
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, November 24


The Loopy-O
I am trying to not look at the date up there. That cannot be right. One month until Christmas??? :faint2:
I have said it a million-trillion-bazillion times already but I *really* have to get my act together. But how???

The good news is that I 100% survived my shopping experience with my mom. It honestly wasn't that difficult, the hardest part was when we searched for the same thing on amazon we would get different results. Almost every time. SMH. But I was able to place an order for her, with shipping to her house with her credit card and she was thrilled! She was able to get somethings for Gary, Scott, Caitlyn, my brother, and my dad. The only thing that bummed me out is that up until last year, we would always go together for the day, and have a nice lunch together. Last year, she came here and we shopped online and had a nice lunch afterward. This year... different but still "together." My hope is that next year we can shop --online still- but be able to go out for that nice lunch again.

Other than that, I didn't do too much of anything. Today I am picking up my food order, then off to the FP to pick up the Thanksgiving sides. I am glad that they do that since Scott really loves cranberry sauce and it is something that I never think of getting on my own. ;)
I should really start looking at things for the family for Christmas. I think my hardest part is getting stocking stuffers for everyone. That is the kind of stuff I liked to go to the Dollar Store/TJ MAXX/The Christmas Tree Shop and browse through to get little, silly, inexpensive items. Not happening this year.

I should post this so I can get myself together before I need to head out in a bit. xoxo!


The Loopy-O
Kay- what a relief to not have the phone ring in the middle of the night. 8 hours is a good night's sleep. Your birthday celebration sounds wonderful.
How do you read/hold a book with heavy gloves? You are dedicated! My family always laughs at me when I wear my heavy winter hats inside.

Trudy- how was your shopping trip, any good finds for you and Heather and DS? I am the same as he is with my mom. I don't need anything (except that I need everything but I can put it into words so I give up LOL )
Good to hear that your ILs are doing OK. It sure is going to be strange at Christmas, isn't it? Congrats on all of that good scrapping you have done!!

Nancy- This weather is so weird, fluctuating all over the place. I don't mind it when it isn't too cold especially when we go out for a Christmas tree! How fun that DS and his MG have their tree picked out. It always turns into a big production with us too.

Cheryl- I bet you are so happy to have DD at your house even if the calls are loud. I used to clean for a woman whose DH worked from home and her big warning was to ignore him when he was on the phone-- that he yell-talks through all of his meetings LOL
Thanks for "forcing" me to give my mom the scarf. I am 99.9% sure that she would not notice all of the mistakes and uneven stitches but *I* see them and I hate that. But that is a Me Issue. hehe
I am so happy that you found the podcast. I was fascinated by the history of it all and how hard they are trying to save their language. It has to have real resonance to you since you are living on that land.

Rae- sounds like your house was very peaceful when you posted yesterday. Good for you for continuing to declutter. Is the back holding up still?

hugs to everyone!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning everyone! :rain: is back and it is dark and gloomy looking outside. This morning I am heading out for my eye exam and then to the pool to get my laps in. Heather and Hunter will be calling soon, so I will try to make this quick! Yesterday was one of those crazy wandering from one thing to another kind of day. Really did not get anything accomplished and did not have much luck with the on-line shopping either :mmph: Oh well I will keep trying. My sister has been very busy knitting all of the toques for me and she will soon be all finished so I can get things sent out in the mail. Hopefully everything will arrive in time for Christmas! I did get a couple of cards made and sent out one to my SIL Linda, she is keeping very much to herself and MIL is pretty worried about her. She no longer txt any of us and never calls us on the phone. MIL said that she has to go for a second Mammogram as something was spotted on her first one, so that is a big concern!!

Chris - OMG you are right it is only one month until Christmas!!! :fear: I better get my shopping done!! How great that you and your Mom got some online shopping completed and ya Amazon is crazy with so many different things showing up differently every time I search for something. :loco: I truly hope that next year things will be very different and that you and your Mom can spend lots of time together at the shore and having lots of lunches!! Hope your trip to the FP is good and that you get all of your order from the grocery store too! Yup I agree the Stocking Stuffers are always the hardest part and when you can't get to the store to actually look for things it makes it even harder :mmph: I think that Stockings will not be a part of our Christmas morning this year.

Nancy - So nice to hear that you, your DH and Luther have been having so many great walks! I bet you had a wonderful time watching the little ones pick out their tree! You are going to be a wonderful Grandma to these kids, making them cookies and once this Pandemic is over I bet they will be spending much more time with you and your hubby!

Cheryl - Hope that you are getting used to the loud conference calls LOL. My DH has had a few on my computer as his does not have a camera and I have to close all the doors and go watch something on TV so I don't have to hear all the racket! Happy that you are able to listen to the Podcast that Chris recommended!

Rae - Sounds like things are quiet where you are and thats ok! Sure hope that the weather improves a bit soon, so that you and I can both get outside for a bit. I will be hiking tomorrow and hopefully it will not be in the pouring rain. I can stand a drizzle but sure don't like being out there in a downpour! Hope your back is feeling better!

Ok I made it through this post before my face time call with Heather and Hunter, so I will go grab a coffee and wait for my call. Have a great day ladies! :wave:


Morning, gals. Another night with NO phone calls around midnight! Of course, I have to confess... I was up at midnight working on some scrapping stuff. I had gone to bed and read for awhile - then turned the light out at 10 PM. But the mind wouldn't shut off as I realized that I had forgot to save a larger jpeg of my new avatar. I had saved the smaller version - so got up and resized it larger. But then I got sucked into to checking out FB and a few other sites. Next thing I knew, it was 1 AM! ! ! Good thing was I dropped off to sleep right away and slept in after 8 AM. So not tired after being up so late.

Chris, it isn't too hard to hold/read a book with gloves on. I have a couple of pairs of leather gloves with fleece lining that keep my hands warm. The leather fingers makes it easy to turn the pages. I keep a pair by my recliner in the Family Room and a pair on my nightstand. Of course, I own dozens of pairs... keep them tucked into the pockets of all my jackets and coats and one pair in the car. I may only need a light jacket on but need gloves on most of the late fall-winter season when I am out and about.

Chris, glad you were able to help your mom with her Christmas shopping. No, it is not the same as it was in years past but you still have the fun of helping her do it on-line. Had to LOL over how you each had a different listing on the same site at the same time. Found that happened when DD and I looked at the same site, too. Think it might be due to what you searched for on that site in the past. Yes... big brother keeps track of that!!!

Trudy, hope your eye exam when fine and you got to do your swim session. All of the pools here are closed - along with all the recreational places. I miss having the library closed as I am #1 on the reserved list for the new Nora Roberts book that had just been received.

Yes, the numbers of Covid cases are still climbing here so don't think things will start opening up until sometime in December, if then. The family has agreed that we won't be getting together for either holiday this year. Looks like we will be doing another family chat-on-line on Thanksgiving so we can share part of the holiday together.

Need to get busy and make my pumpkin pie today. Have to figure what else I can bake/make as long as I am going to have the oven on.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon, lovely O's.

Chris, I'm so happy that you've decided to give your mom the scarf! You just must!! Thanks for telling me about that Podcast. It's pretty awful what has happened to the Native Americans and it makes me angry whenever i hear about it! They ARE currently trying to save their language. The White Man (Ministers) wouldn't allow the kids to speak or write it - they HAD to learn English, so it's a slowing dying language. I bought a book where I can learn to write it - it's very difficult! It's "symbols" - not an alphabet. It kind of reminds me of Chinese, but Chinese symbols makes more sense. Yes, I've dabbled in Chinese symbols, too. LOL

It's like a 4 ring circus around here - but I do enjoy it for the most part.

Trudy, I had to laugh about you having to close all the doors. I did that yesterday, plus put my air pods in and listened to This Land Podcast most of the afternoon. That Podcast is SO fascinating - I can hardly stand to shut it off.

Hope your sister's exam is okay! They called me back in one year and I was terrified! Turns out everything was okay, but I was sweating bullets.

Kay, thank goodness for no phone calls. You sound like me - working on LO's late at night. Any time I can't sleep, I'm at my computer.

It's nasty here today - cold and rain - probably sleet - I can hear it hitting the windows.

Everybody stay safe and sending hugs to all.


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon ladies. Went out to the car to head to the dentist for a long overdue cleaning and my car wouldn't start (again). So it looks like something is definitely wrong, either with the battery or something else. D didn't think it was the battery b/c its not that old (about a year since we replaced the last one) but who knows. Hopefully D will be able to get it charged enough to drive to the shop and drop it off later this week. So no Xmas shopping for me until the wkend when I can borrow the van from D. I was planning to go out first thing in the morning a few times this wk before work to pick up a few things but now I don't know when I'll get a chance. I can't shop much before the back pain starts to ramp up. I was in Winners with Jen waiting in the car at lunchtime and was in pain by the time I got out...ugh. Good thing we decided to not buy a ton of gifts this year, as I won't be able to shop that much.

Reading Danielle Steel "Blue" and enjoying it.

I'd better get back to work. BFN


Well-Known Member
Can anyone help me? I see so many great art dolls out there but I have no clue where to find them. Any suggestions?