
Daily Ooos: Thursday, September 26


The Loopy-O
I made a *big* boo-boo. :crying1:

I asked for rain vibes and now I have them and they are ruining my lesson plans. I can't make a solar oven if you can't see the sun!:bawling:
It's all good, I have a bunch of other ideas that we can do instead as long as it doesn't thunder. Then all bets are off. With my background as a preschool teacher who had to pay for a lot of her own supplies *and* as a super frugal mom, I never throw out anything. I still had all of the sunflower heads so yesterday afternoon was spent pulling all of the seeds out and tossing them in food coloring for the stained glass murals. Flashlight tag in the rain? Why not!
Tuesday must have been a success because that boy who said it was his best day ever is now signed up for both days a week. That made me happy when I saw the note from his mom on the registration form.

The yucky part is that I cleaned for my friend and was wiped out when I got home. I'm still feeling a bit achy too, I can't wait for that to be over. I should have some time to chill this morning before I go to work. I made baked macaroni and a big salad for dinner last night so I think there should be enough leftovers for tonight. I obviously can't rely on Gary to remember to cook :rollingpin1: :rotfl:

Wishing everyone a wonderful day. Good thoughts to everyone in the FL area and is affected by Hurricane Helene :praying2:


The Loopy-O
WTG! You did it! And I can just hear the inspiration running through your head! You Teacher, you! ;). So happy you are in your happy place!
thank you!
BTW- I have no idea how to spell any "Caitlyn." It is such a popular name and is spelled differently by everyone. I am the same as you, my Caitlyn is the only right way, I can't be bothered by anyone else's spelling Bwuahahah!
I hope that you got everything done yesterday that you wanted to.

@BrightEyes Did it feel odd having the house mostly quiet yesterday after having the family coming and going the past few days?
LOL-ing at the flour/corn starch mixups. I learned the hard way when I first started making diabetic-friendly/alternative sweetener recipes that they don't work the same in a baking recipe as sugar does. This was back in the pre-Splenda days ;)
Enjoy every minute with the family for the next couple of days. ♥

@AK_Tracy You were only a little colder than here yesterday, it was in the upper 50s most of yesterday but weirdly humid. Sweatshirt on/sweatshirt off. Over and over. (At least I know it won't snow any time soon, I'm grateful for the little things)
That makes so much sense about not putting power lines down because of the ground freezing. That wouldn't occur to me at all.
The PT/Pain scale sounds awful and frustrating. I am sending good thoughts since you have to torture yourself until Nov 5 just to satisfy some admin in the insurance office. :/

@taxed4ever You were a busy shopper the other day, that stinks you couldn't find what you were looking for Heather and the boys. The keto chocolates must have been a good score!
How nice that you were able to help MIL with her garden decor without it being an overwhelming project. Such a smart move for them to be close by.

If you made me pick what I dislike more, raisins or ketchup, I would have a hard time choosing. I think I would say raisins though, the texture is just gross and sticky and awful And I will never forget the trauma of eating a brownie that I thought had chocolate chips but were actually raisins. :sick: .

My two cents and then some on raisins. :giggle4:

@Terri M I bet your feet felt wonderful during the pedicure! Are you getting excited about the trip yet?
LOL-ing at the Christmas chorus needing 3 months to practice.
Oh man, you were in NJ during those crazy storms too!? The blizzard was the freakiest thing. We were playing board games when we lost power so we watched the lightning while it was snowing. I think we got around 18" of snow and that was when the governor canceled Halloween.
Jug handles and the traffic lights- I forgot about that too.
We live on the same electrical grid as the supermarket so our power is usually restored earlier than the parts of town. We had a lot of friends that were w/o power for over a week after Sandy and we let anyone who needed to shower or make a hot meal come over.

Love to all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning O friends! The rain has stopped for the time being, but it is cooler outside and the heat pump just kicked in to warm the house up. This morning I am going to get my hair done and then having a coffee/visit with my sister Wendy. Its been far too long since we have seen each other. Still no word from our other sister, whom for some reason has decided to not have anything to do with us anymore :crazy:. Oh well family... what can you do?? Had a nice talk with Heather yesterday and they looked at a couple of new houses over the last weekend, but sadly they were either far to expensive or the layout was wrong for her to get around in and hardly no backyard for the boys to play in. We are hoping something comes along that is just right for them soon. Oh and there was an earthquake here very early this morning. It woke my DH up, but I felt nothing :giggle4:. It was a 4.1 quake and lots of chatter about it on facebook this morning. I remember the last one that I heard before I felt it and it scared the crap out of me! Doesn't sound like there was any damage anywhere, but it still is a bit unnerving! I did manage to get a layout done for this months colour play, such amazing products from our talented designers! Perhaps I can work on some more on Friday, because today will be a writeoff for me.

I asked for rain vibes and now I have them and they are ruining my lesson plans. I can't make a solar oven if you can't see the sun!:bawling:
It's all good, I have a bunch of other ideas that we can do instead as long as it doesn't thunder. Then all bets are off. With my background as a preschool teacher who had to pay for a lot of her own supplies *and* as a super frugal mom, I never throw out anything. I still had all of the sunflower heads so yesterday afternoon was spent pulling all of the seeds out and tossing them in food coloring for the stained glass murals. Flashlight tag in the rain? Why not!
Tuesday must have been a success because that boy who said it was his best day ever is now signed up for both days a week. That made me happy when I saw the note from his mom on the registration form.

The yucky part is that I cleaned for my friend and was wiped out when I got home. I'm still feeling a bit achy too, I can't wait for that to be over. I should have some time to chill this morning before I go to work. I made baked macaroni and a big salad for dinner last night so I think there should be enough leftovers for tonight. I obviously can't rely on Gary to remember to cook :rollingpin1: :rotfl:

Wishing everyone a wonderful day. Good thoughts to everyone in the FL area and is affected by Hurricane Helene :praying2:
Sorry that the rain has ruined your plans for your solar oven, but it sounds like you have a lot of other great ideas for the day! Ouch on wiping out , it sure jars the body when that happens! Hope you are less achy now! Good idea to have leftovers for dinner tonight, hope that your Gary is doing better soon! Enjoy your work today!

Ok I should get into the shower and get dressed, hair appointment is in a couple of hours and I need to empty the dishwasher and make the bed before I go. Have a great day everyone! :waving1


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Lovely Os
Its quiet in here this morning. Hope that means youre all taking it nice and slow and relaxing.

Tuesday must have been a success because that boy who said it was his best day ever is now signed up for both days a week. That made me happy when I saw the note from his mom on the registration form.
This is awesome and just what I would expect!
The PT/Pain scale sounds awful and frustrating. I am sending good thoughts since you have to torture yourself until Nov 5 just to satisfy some admin in the insurance office. :/
Thank you. Its just annoying to waste both of our time, PT and mine. But at least insurance is paying and not me. I dont know if I would be able to do it if insurance wasn't paying.
Oh well family... what can you do??
Well, you used the right emoji :giggle4: What do you do? Family :floorlaugh: Glad you are able to have fun with the other sister.

Today is another day of PT and then nothing else. I'm all caught up on personal pages, challenges. Not sure what to scrap but might play around with technique and see what I can do. So far its not raining but it will soon and I forgot to tarp the car. Figures LOL Tomorrow is Costco run. Has it really been a month already? Yep, lack of food options says yes.

Off to look at lovely LO and drink coffee. Have a wonderful day!

Terri M

Well-Known Member
Well holy cow! We had a drought over the summer in the last two or three weeks it seems to have never stopped raining. My friend who has a rain gauge says we had 4 inches in the last 12 hours. David went down to the trails to check the bridges; they are all there, thank goodness, although some of them are covered with debris. That's easy, I can get volunteers to clear off branches and leaves.

While he was gone I decided that I do need a shower today, definitely. I managed to wrap my arm in plastic wrap, do my shower, and get dressed even my bra, all by myself. I did have to take a couple Tylenol afterwards. I must have moved my wrist around more than I thought, but it's more of an ache than anything serious so I'm not worried.

We have a trails crew meeting tonight. Last month we held it in the local brewery rather than the meeting room at the park, and people seemed to really like that so we decided to do it again this month. We need a quiet place, so the bartender there moved some tables and chairs into the brewing area where we could close the door. I have been trying to get in touch with the head bartender for two weeks to try to arrange that again for tonight, but she never gets back to me. After lunch I may have to drive there there and talk to the bartenders myself. I hope it works out because it is way too rainy to sit outside and way too noisy to sit in the bar area.

I have been using the same template for my project life books for three years now and I think it is time to change, even though it is very flexible. Do you think it is too early for me to be looking for materials for 2025 project life? I usually don't think about it until January and by then I just want to pick up something and go, so I'm never quite please with the look that I get but I am too lazy to redo the 1st few weeks so I just go with it. I don't hate it, and I always love my books, so I guess it works out. It seems that these kinds of projects and templates aren't as popular as they were a few years ago and so there is not as much variety to choose from. There are a lot of pretty templates with one, 2, or three photos but I want to put six or eight pictures on a page.


Well-Known Member
I have been using the same template for my project life books for three years now and I think it is time to change, even though it is very flexible. Do you think it is too early for me to be looking for materials for 2025 project life? I usually don't think about it until January and by then I just want to pick up something and go, so I'm never quite please with the look that I get but I am too lazy to redo the 1st few weeks so I just go with it. I don't hate it, and I always love my books, so I guess it works out. It seems that these kinds of projects and templates aren't as popular as they were a few years ago and so there is not as much variety to choose from. There are a lot of pretty templates with one, 2, or three photos but I want to put six or eight pictures on a page.
Its never too early to start looking for the perfect template for project life. You could even put a comment in the "looking for" section and see if someone has an idea or maybe spark a designer to create one. maybe they are already pondering doing one but haven't finished. Always a good idea to start looking now. You never know what and when you'll find the perfect set.

Good job on getting a shower and dressed all alone too!!! that's amazing! Is your wrist casted or just braced? Hope you dont over use it on vacation and are still able to have an amazing time!!!


Love my O Family!
I made a *big* boo-boo. :crying1:

I asked for rain vibes and now I have them and they are ruining my lesson plans. I can't make a solar oven if you can't see the sun!:bawling:
It's all good, I have a bunch of other ideas that we can do instead as long as it doesn't thunder. Then all bets are off. With my background as a preschool teacher who had to pay for a lot of her own supplies *and* as a super frugal mom, I never throw out anything. I still had all of the sunflower heads so yesterday afternoon was spent pulling all of the seeds out and tossing them in food coloring for the stained glass murals. Flashlight tag in the rain? Why not!
Tuesday must have been a success because that boy who said it was his best day ever is now signed up for both days a week. That made me happy when I saw the note from his mom on the registration form.

The yucky part is that I cleaned for my friend and was wiped out when I got home. I'm still feeling a bit achy too, I can't wait for that to be over. I should have some time to chill this morning before I go to work. I made baked macaroni and a big salad for dinner last night so I think there should be enough leftovers for tonight. I obviously can't rely on Gary to remember to cook :rollingpin1: :rotfl:

Wishing everyone a wonderful day. Good thoughts to everyone in the FL area and is affected by Hurricane Helene :praying2:
I hope you have a window of no rain for your classes! And I sure hope the tiredness goes away soon for you!


Love my O Family!
thank you!
BTW- I have no idea how to spell any "Caitlyn." It is such a popular name and is spelled differently by everyone. I am the same as you, my Caitlyn is the only right way, I can't be bothered by anyone else's spelling Bwuahahah!
I hope that you got everything done yesterday that you wanted to.

@BrightEyes Did it feel odd having the house mostly quiet yesterday after having the family coming and going the past few days?
LOL-ing at the flour/corn starch mixups. I learned the hard way when I first started making diabetic-friendly/alternative sweetener recipes that they don't work the same in a baking recipe as sugar does. This was back in the pre-Splenda days ;)
Enjoy every minute with the family for the next couple of days. ♥

@AK_Tracy You were only a little colder than here yesterday, it was in the upper 50s most of yesterday but weirdly humid. Sweatshirt on/sweatshirt off. Over and over. (At least I know it won't snow any time soon, I'm grateful for the little things)
That makes so much sense about not putting power lines down because of the ground freezing. That wouldn't occur to me at all.
The PT/Pain scale sounds awful and frustrating. I am sending good thoughts since you have to torture yourself until Nov 5 just to satisfy some admin in the insurance office. :/

@taxed4ever You were a busy shopper the other day, that stinks you couldn't find what you were looking for Heather and the boys. The keto chocolates must have been a good score!
How nice that you were able to help MIL with her garden decor without it being an overwhelming project. Such a smart move for them to be close by.

If you made me pick what I dislike more, raisins or ketchup, I would have a hard time choosing. I think I would say raisins though, the texture is just gross and sticky and awful And I will never forget the trauma of eating a brownie that I thought had chocolate chips but were actually raisins. :sick: .

My two cents and then some on raisins. :giggle4:

@Terri M I bet your feet felt wonderful during the pedicure! Are you getting excited about the trip yet?
LOL-ing at the Christmas chorus needing 3 months to practice.
Oh man, you were in NJ during those crazy storms too!? The blizzard was the freakiest thing. We were playing board games when we lost power so we watched the lightning while it was snowing. I think we got around 18" of snow and that was when the governor canceled Halloween.
Jug handles and the traffic lights- I forgot about that too.
We live on the same electrical grid as the supermarket so our power is usually restored earlier than the parts of town. We had a lot of friends that were w/o power for over a week after Sandy and we let anyone who needed to shower or make a hot meal come over.

Love to all!
Yeah, I think I got everything done that I wanted to get done! Being a homebody gives me plenty of flexibility, anyway, so what doesn't get done usually doesn't matter.


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon.
Been working on my challenge for October that I almost forgot about! :shakingsense: :eek:
Taking a break from that to go with Mark to the doctor and then stop by KFC for a late lunch.
I'll be back this afternoon to do some reading here and personals.
Have a good afternoon!

Terri M

Well-Known Member
Is your wrist casted or just braced?
At the moment it is in a bulky bandage with what feels like a metal bar inside at the bottom. When I get my stitches out on Tuesday they tell me I will just have to have a removable brace. It will be much easier to travel with that than with a bulky cast! The surgeon told me that it wasn't the reason to get surgery but it was a benefit of having the surgery. It seems that the metal plate and screws they put in keep the bones in place so I won't need a cast.


Well-Known Member
At the moment it is in a bulky bandage with what feels like a metal bar inside at the bottom. When I get my stitches out on Tuesday they tell me I will just have to have a removable brace. It will be much easier to travel with that than with a bulky cast! The surgeon told me that it wasn't the reason to get surgery but it was a benefit of having the surgery. It seems that the metal plate and screws they put in keep the bones in place so I won't need a cast.
That's wonderful you wont need a cast. Will make recovery so much easier. As long as you dont over do it ;) Which we women tend to do cause we gotta get stuff done.


Slipping in to say "HI" again today. DD#1 is going over to spend time with their son who lives in the area this afternoon. We had a leisurely breakfast and chatted... so nice to spend a relaxed morning with her. Tomorrow I think DD#3 will be down for a last visit with DD#1 as she leaves on Saturday around noon. It has been so wonderful having everyone visiting interpreted with some quiet time. DD#1 was telling me about a couple of series she likes and can hardly wait until the new season starts in Oct. "Fire Country"... and I found it was on Netflix so I was bingeing on the first 2 season yesterday so I will be caught up when the new season starts. Guess I will be watching some CBS series this fall/winter season...:floorlaugh:

She is out of the shower so need to get some lunch. Will be back latr.