
Daily Ooos: September 7-8: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Hap---pyyyyy Weekend!!
Feels kinda crazy that it's Saturday already. Maybe because of the holiday weekend, it came up so fast? I still find it difficult to comprehend that the wedding is in 6 days. They have been engaged for 2+ years so I guess I am accustomed to thinking they will be engaged forever. I was engaged for almost 2 years but have no idea how fast or slow it felt back then. Probably a little of both.

I am back to being blond again! I felt bad for the hairdresser-- the last few times I had my hair done, I was trying to go more of a darker blond instead of bleaching it. That color wasn't working for me so she had more work to do to get the color uniform-ish in the foils. I also got an inch cut and she reshaped all of the layers/face frame. I joked that I didn't care what my hair looked like on the 14th, as long as it looked good on the 13th. She laughed since she knows how I "only want the tiniest bit of the dead ends trimmed."

The rest of the day was a blur-- I shoved a frozen lasagne in the oven and made French bread in the machine (that was sooo good, I should have made a 2lb loaf instead of 1.5). Scott was able to come for dinner so it was full-on "bridesmaids." He was on a work break so he couldn't; stay too long but it always makes me happy when I have everyone here. The girls worked on getting the altar arch set up and decorated and they had one more boutteneire to make. i think just about everything is done!

BIG day today. It is her final dress fitting and we are going to learn how to do the bustle.
[another dream last night-- Scott had to fluff out her train at the alter and I was crying. I know this dream came directly from a dinner convo since Scott feels funny about holding her bouquet and dealing with the dress/train but is willing to do it for her. Sam has offered to step in if he changes his mind]

Tom asked me the other day how I was feeling about the wedding and I said how excited I was for them and how happy I am that Scott will be at her side. I missed out on them graduating together b/c of Covid so this is special in a similar way as their mom. This is of course secondary to me being happy that Caitlyn is marrying the man she loves, but as a mom... you get it :D

This afternoon is the bachelorette party and if you have any "rain, rain go away vibes" Sam and Jen would be grateful. They had planned on being outside and are trying to come up with a Plan B.

I also need to talk to my dad about his hearing aid consult yesterday. Yes, he *finally* went for a consult. I think if he can hear better, he will forget/misunderstand/have no clue about things my mom asks him... *hopeful look*

Catch ya on the flip side!


The Loopy-O
I hope you can get digital photos from you photographer so you can make some pages for us to see. Back 25 years ago when DD got married all I could get was paper photos so I made a Creative Memories book. I was the photographer for our son's so I made a digital book and a Creative Memories book for them.
I should be able to get digital photos to work with, even if they aren't professional ones. On the program, they added a QR code so any of the guests can upload photos to a shared album. When they had their engagement photo shoot, Caitlyn shared that album with me and I got them printed for her shower decorations. I plan on making an album for them so I'll be on the lookout for anything I can get my Photoshop fingers on LOL!
Monarch habitats can be purchased from amazon. it's a screen cage sorta. I released over 80 last year. My friend had over 300.
Here I am, totally thrilled that I have three caterpillars Bwuahaha!! :floorlaugh:
One of the trails I hike has a small clearing that is completely filled with milkweed and I can stand there forever watching all of the butterflies and bees.
Have you been taking any photos of your progress on the fossils? It would be awesome to see the big reveal :D

Friday night here for me. I have had a good week. We received our monthly money from the Craft Store where we sell our crafts and it was the best since we joined the store in March last year.
That's phenomenal! Congrats!!!
I must try and make time to read everyone's posts so I can keep up with all that you are doing.
Feel free to skip my posts. I can give you a run down of my last week and my upcoming week: Wedding wedding wedding, lesson plans, caterpillars, wedding wedding wedding. :rotfl:

@vickyday I haven't been doing any journaling other than what I write here but what a neat idea

I just had a super long talk with Caitlyn and she was updating me on the last boutonniere they made. She said they used the flowers that an Oscraps person gave her. She saw your name and face on my monitor, Vicky, and said that's who sent them! She said to send you a big thank you again!

Now that I am way behind schedule, I'm going to do super quick personals and then get out of here ♥

Glad that Mark was able to fix the drawer for you, hope your back is feeling better!
Its the anniversary of loosing her dad so I know it will be a sad coffee date too and maybe tears. I
(((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))) You are a good person being there for your friend :brokenheart:
Are you feeling any better today too?

Once we moved into this 'new" house, I started seeing the roadrunner and his family several times a year. One year, he brought them to the big rock in my front yard and had them posed there for several minutes. But... by the time I got the camera and got back to the front porch, they were off running down the street again.;
I would looooove to see them! Stinks about the camera, that happens all the time with me too with the birds in the bird bath

SO exciting I'm sure you can hardly stand it!! I'm SO excited for all of you!! You could NEVER bore us with your wedding planning!! This time next year, I'll be in your shoes. Ava wants to get married a year from this October. That seems so far away, but she wants a year to plan. Talk about our kids not being traditional - Drake wants a ring, too.
♥ I am super happy and excited and already feeling emotional- maybe I get can rid of the moods swings before the ceremony. -- I doubt it, but you never know LOL!)
Love that Drake wants a ring too!
Hope you did good with all three dogs!

@A-M What a gorgeous setup and craft items!

Sorry for running out on you--


Morning everyone. I managed to get a bit of scraping done last evening. I fell in love with the fairy in Scent of Autumn by Mystery Scraps and had to make a new siggy with her. And of course, I also had to do a full LO with it, too. And almost missed out on the FWP that ends tonight... How did the first week of September fly by so quickly??? :eek:

Yikes @Jeannette ,,,, that is too cold too soon!!! Hope you have some warm clothes to wear. Is you heater set up for winter already??? I really need to measure and get the model number for the heater/AC filter and pick one up pretty soon. I nearly spit my coffee out when I saw that purple guy!!! :floorlaugh: There are many mornings I feel like that!

@faerywings the countdown is on... sounds like the gals have it all in hand and everything will be beautiful. Glad you got you hair colored and cut already. Do be sure to take or have taken lots of photos. So glad that Scott will be up there with Cait... I am sure he will do just fine in handling the dress train and the bouquet. Hope you can find some time to sit and relax in between events.

@Cherylndesigns how exciting about Ava's engagement... and love that Drake wants a wedding band, too.

I had more energy yesterday and did get the sheets changed on the bed, washed the dirty ones, and did a few small chores around the house. Will get a load of towels done and maybe another load or two. BBL


Love my O Family!
Hap---pyyyyy Weekend!!
Feels kinda crazy that it's Saturday already. Maybe because of the holiday weekend, it came up so fast? I still find it difficult to comprehend that the wedding is in 6 days. They have been engaged for 2+ years so I guess I am accustomed to thinking they will be engaged forever. I was engaged for almost 2 years but have no idea how fast or slow it felt back then. Probably a little of both.

I am back to being blond again! I felt bad for the hairdresser-- the last few times I had my hair done, I was trying to go more of a darker blond instead of bleaching it. That color wasn't working for me so she had more work to do to get the color uniform-ish in the foils. I also got an inch cut and she reshaped all of the layers/face frame. I joked that I didn't care what my hair looked like on the 14th, as long as it looked good on the 13th. She laughed since she knows how I "only want the tiniest bit of the dead ends trimmed."

The rest of the day was a blur-- I shoved a frozen lasagne in the oven and made French bread in the machine (that was sooo good, I should have made a 2lb loaf instead of 1.5). Scott was able to come for dinner so it was full-on "bridesmaids." He was on a work break so he couldn't; stay too long but it always makes me happy when I have everyone here. The girls worked on getting the altar arch set up and decorated and they had one more boutteneire to make. i think just about everything is done!

BIG day today. It is her final dress fitting and we are going to learn how to do the bustle.
[another dream last night-- Scott had to fluff out her train at the alter and I was crying. I know this dream came directly from a dinner convo since Scott feels funny about holding her bouquet and dealing with the dress/train but is willing to do it for her. Sam has offered to step in if he changes his mind]

Tom asked me the other day how I was feeling about the wedding and I said how excited I was for them and how happy I am that Scott will be at her side. I missed out on them graduating together b/c of Covid so this is special in a similar way as their mom. This is of course secondary to me being happy that Caitlyn is marrying the man she loves, but as a mom... you get it :D

This afternoon is the bachelorette party and if you have any "rain, rain go away vibes" Sam and Jen would be grateful. They had planned on being outside and are trying to come up with a Plan B.

I also need to talk to my dad about his hearing aid consult yesterday. Yes, he *finally* went for a consult. I think if he can hear better, he will forget/misunderstand/have no clue about things my mom asks him... *hopeful look*

Catch ya on the flip side!
And just like that all the prep and waiting is almost over...bittersweet :beatingheart: :hug4:


Love my O Family!
I should be able to get digital photos to work with, even if they aren't professional ones. On the program, they added a QR code so any of the guests can upload photos to a shared album. When they had their engagement photo shoot, Caitlyn shared that album with me and I got them printed for her shower decorations. I plan on making an album for them so I'll be on the lookout for anything I can get my Photoshop fingers on LOL!

Here I am, totally thrilled that I have three caterpillars Bwuahaha!! :floorlaugh:
One of the trails I hike has a small clearing that is completely filled with milkweed and I can stand there forever watching all of the butterflies and bees.
Have you been taking any photos of your progress on the fossils? It would be awesome to see the big reveal :D

That's phenomenal! Congrats!!!

Feel free to skip my posts. I can give you a run down of my last week and my upcoming week: Wedding wedding wedding, lesson plans, caterpillars, wedding wedding wedding. :rotfl:

@vickyday I haven't been doing any journaling other than what I write here but what a neat idea

I just had a super long talk with Caitlyn and she was updating me on the last boutonniere they made. She said they used the flowers that an Oscraps person gave her. She saw your name and face on my monitor, Vicky, and said that's who sent them! She said to send you a big thank you again!

Now that I am way behind schedule, I'm going to do super quick personals and then get out of here ♥

Glad that Mark was able to fix the drawer for you, hope your back is feeling better!

(((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))) You are a good person being there for your friend :brokenheart:
Are you feeling any better today too?

I would looooove to see them! Stinks about the camera, that happens all the time with me too with the birds in the bird bath

♥ I am super happy and excited and already feeling emotional- maybe I get can rid of the moods swings before the ceremony. -- I doubt it, but you never know LOL!)
Love that Drake wants a ring too!
Hope you did good with all three dogs!

@A-M What a gorgeous setup and craft items!

Sorry for running out on you--
Tell Caitlyn she is very welcome and I'm thrilled to have a tiny part in her wedding! :beatingheart:


Love my O Family!
Good morning,
IBS really kicked my behind last night! I was up and down with nausea, wishing I could just puke and get it over to no avail. So I have a tired headache today. I need to get better so I can cook for the church dinner tomorrow. I'm taking sugar free brownies and cheesy hashbrown potato casserole and diet Dr. Pepper. Easy enough but I can't think straight. This too shall pass....
Have a wonderful weekend!


Love my O Family!
Morning everyone. I managed to get a bit of scraping done last evening. I fell in love with the fairy in Scent of Autumn by Mystery Scraps and had to make a new siggy with her. And of course, I also had to do a full LO with it, too. And almost missed out on the FWP that ends tonight... How did the first week of September fly by so quickly??? :eek:

Yikes @Jeannette ,,,, that is too cold too soon!!! Hope you have some warm clothes to wear. Is you heater set up for winter already??? I really need to measure and get the model number for the heater/AC filter and pick one up pretty soon. I nearly spit my coffee out when I saw that purple guy!!! :floorlaugh: There are many mornings I feel like that!

@faerywings the countdown is on... sounds like the gals have it all in hand and everything will be beautiful. Glad you got you hair colored and cut already. Do be sure to take or have taken lots of photos. So glad that Scott will be up there with Cait... I am sure he will do just fine in handling the dress train and the bouquet. Hope you can find some time to sit and relax in between events.

@Cherylndesigns how exciting about Ava's engagement... and love that Drake wants a wedding band, too.

I had more energy yesterday and did get the sheets changed on the bed, washed the dirty ones, and did a few small chores around the house. Will get a load of towels done and maybe another load or two. BBL
Love yours and @faerywings new siggies!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Everyone!
I dont see rain! Woo hoo!!! @faerywings Chris I hope the same happens for you and the rain leaves before the party starts. So exciting that youre down to six more days!!! I'm so excited for you all. Cant wait to see some photos of the beautiful couple and families.

Love the new siggies you and Kay made. So beautiful.

WOw Twin, @JeanneMN youre colder then we are! Its 44 here and we still haven't closed the bedroom window all the way. Its only one inch now but still, its open.

Off to peek in the gallery before I get ready for work.
Have a. wonderful Saturday!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all,

I have about fifteen minutes before I have to get ready to go out with the girls. We've been so busy that we haven't had our "girls day".

Chris @faerywings 6 more days????? I can't believe it!! It seems like these 2 years have flown by. It will be so different when Cait and Tom are actually married. All of your planning and hard work will come together beautifully, just relax and enjoy the day.

Yes, Drake wants a ring, too - he said he didn't want to wait a whole year, and Ava has a ring, so why shouldn't he? I think it's a great idea like a promise ring. The dogs were fine. They all three followed me every time I took a step and Marley weighs 80 pound now, so that's a lot of dogs underfoot. They're all "velcro dogs" they're velcroed onto Adrienne, so I had three velcroe dogs yesterday. We did fine, except Alyssa was "supposed" to pick them up between one and two and she got them at six. :crazy:

Kay @BrightEyes I never got my sheets changed yesterday. I got my new sheets washed but had to fold them and I'll try to do it this evening. Thanks for your good wishes about Ava and Drake. She's still on Cloud 9.

It's cooler here - not as cool as some of your temps, but it's only in the low seventies. YAY. Jeanne @JeanneMN and Tracy @AK_Tracy are you two are setting the low records? I have fallen behind in the temp recording. Vicky @vickyday, hope your stomach stays in check for you to do your cooking.

I'm going to run now, but waving to everybody and I'll probably be back in here later. XOXO


The Loopy-O
I cried.
Four separate times, by Caitylyn's count.
All happy tears, she looks so beautiful in her wedding dress but most importantly, she looks overjoyed. Simply radiant.
I wasn't expecting it, maybe a little teary, lump in my throat. But seeing her face-- mmm hmmm, that got me. I joked that maybe if I got it all out now, I won't cry the day of. The dress shop owner/wizard with the thread and needle-- she just *laughed.* She said all of the MoBs say that, and it never pans out that way. I think I might cut up some paper towels into small sheets, they won't shred like a tissue will.

Positive note: The waterproof mascara I was wearing did not show even the smallest of runs or flakes.

The weather looked like it was going to cooperate for the bachelorette party. I even saw the sun at one point mid-day. But 15 minutes before we were leaving, the sky got pitch dark and poured. It rained on and off until 9 pm which is when I headed home. I *adore* Caitlyn's friends. All of them. Jen and Sam did such an amazing job with everything. The invite was for the guests to dress like Caitlyn and she was wearing a little white dress. Caitlyn's normal clothes are black shorts or leggings, fishnets, black tops, and *always* a black plastic "tattoo" choker. The other option was to dress like Tom and one of her friends did that and it was hysterical! I had packed a bag with a black lace top, black leggings, and boots. Sam had the stretchy choker for me when I got there. When I came out of the bathroom, dressed like Cait- she lost it. LOL!
Her friends didn't mind that I was there-- it wasn't a raunchy party at all, other than ummmm-- "oddly shaped" straws
:blushing1: :giggle4:
Sam and Jen had some games planned out and I won at trivia. 100% unfair advantage for me and I didn't want to accept the prize but they insisted. (I mean it was so unfair- one of the questions was "What would Caitlyn's name have been if she was born a boy?" )
Scott came up after he got off of work, I saw him for a few, took some group photos, and then left the kids to do their own thing from there.
MY BFF was making me LMBO. Her DD (my niece/goddaughter) was there and my BFF was texting me to send her pictures. I was getting ready to leave and Julia stopped me and said that she was channeling her mom and we had to get group photos before I left. Meanwhile, my phone had been blowing up from her mom with those texts to get group photos. Apples really don't fall far from the tree, do they? My BFF will be happy to see the pics, me too!

Today has to be a "relax day" for everyone. Sam will be bringing Caitlyn back here at some point. I know it will be the last low-key day for a while.

I think that's it!!



The Loopy-O
I asked my dad about the hearing aid appt and he didn't sound very optimistic about it. He said that he tried three different ones and two made it too loud/chaotic-noisy and the third one made everything sound weird. The technician wasn't all that helpful either. He has a follow-up appt on the 20th so I suggested he ask around or look online to see if there are any hacks or different options out there. It was through Costco so I suggested that if he didn't like that tech, go to a different Costco.
If any of you have experience with this and have suggestions, I would love to hear them. (no pun intended LOL)

@JeanneMN OMG!!!! That Minion!!!! :floorlaugh: That is how I am when the temps drop below 70*
39* is toooooo cold!!!!

@BrightEyes Love your autumn faery siggie! I made sure that Sam took a few pictures of me, Scott, and Caitlyn last night. (even though my hair was turning Medusa-sih at that point. Who cares?).
I have the best kids and that they are best friends... My heart is full. ♥
Hope you had some time to scrap and relax in between laundry.

Tell Caitlyn she is very welcome and I'm thrilled to have a tiny part in her wedding! :beatingheart:
I'll have a little part of the O with us that day :lovey3:
I am so sorry that the IBS is such a problem. Hang in there! All fingers crossed that you are good to go for the church dinner today.

@AK_Tracy Sorry to say that the rain came in buckets in the afternoon/evening and brought the cold air with it. Nowhere cold as you and Jeanne, but it was 50* when I left the party. Hope that you have today to rest! (as if *eye roll* LOL)

@Cherylndesigns How was your girls' day? What trouble did you get into? And don't say "who us?" all innocent like- I know you had shenanigans. :giggle4:

Hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday! Hugs!


Love my O Family!
My first husband had to get hearing aids but he did it through the hospital where he was a cancer patient because we were going there frequently. He never had any problems with them. I do remember that he would have to turn them down depending on the crowd as the noise was chaotic and loud.


Love my O Family!
I asked my dad about the hearing aid appt and he didn't sound very optimistic about it. He said that he tried three different ones and two made it too loud/chaotic-noisy and the third one made everything sound weird. The technician wasn't all that helpful either. He has a follow-up appt on the 20th so I suggested he ask around or look online to see if there are any hacks or different options out there. It was through Costco so I suggested that if he didn't like that tech, go to a different Costco.
If any of you have experience with this and have suggestions, I would love to hear them. (no pun intended LOL)

@JeanneMN OMG!!!! That Minion!!!! :floorlaugh: That is how I am when the temps drop below 70*
39* is toooooo cold!!!!

@BrightEyes Love your autumn faery siggie! I made sure that Sam took a few pictures of me, Scott, and Caitlyn last night. (even though my hair was turning Medusa-sih at that point. Who cares?).
I have the best kids and that they are best friends... My heart is full. ♥
Hope you had some time to scrap and relax in between laundry.

I'll have a little part of the O with us that day :lovey3:
I am so sorry that the IBS is such a problem. Hang in there! All fingers crossed that you are good to go for the church dinner today.

@AK_Tracy Sorry to say that the rain came in buckets in the afternoon/evening and brought the cold air with it. Nowhere cold as you and Jeanne, but it was 50* when I left the party. Hope that you have today to rest! (as if *eye roll* LOL)

@Cherylndesigns How was your girls' day? What trouble did you get into? And don't say "who us?" all innocent like- I know you had shenanigans. :giggle4:

Hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday! Hugs!
I've ended up with a terrible cold with a sore throat so I'm not going to go to church today after all. My head was so stuffy last night I ended up in the recliner again. Our church has a congregation of mostly elderly with health problems so I want to protect them as much as possible. But my stomach is better at least.


Love my O Family!
I asked my dad about the hearing aid appt and he didn't sound very optimistic about it. He said that he tried three different ones and two made it too loud/chaotic-noisy and the third one made everything sound weird. The technician wasn't all that helpful either. He has a follow-up appt on the 20th so I suggested he ask around or look online to see if there are any hacks or different options out there. It was through Costco so I suggested that if he didn't like that tech, go to a different Costco.
If any of you have experience with this and have suggestions, I would love to hear them. (no pun intended LOL)

@JeanneMN OMG!!!! That Minion!!!! :floorlaugh: That is how I am when the temps drop below 70*
39* is toooooo cold!!!!

@BrightEyes Love your autumn faery siggie! I made sure that Sam took a few pictures of me, Scott, and Caitlyn last night. (even though my hair was turning Medusa-sih at that point. Who cares?).
I have the best kids and that they are best friends... My heart is full. ♥
Hope you had some time to scrap and relax in between laundry.

I'll have a little part of the O with us that day :lovey3:
I am so sorry that the IBS is such a problem. Hang in there! All fingers crossed that you are good to go for the church dinner today.

@AK_Tracy Sorry to say that the rain came in buckets in the afternoon/evening and brought the cold air with it. Nowhere cold as you and Jeanne, but it was 50* when I left the party. Hope that you have today to rest! (as if *eye roll* LOL)

@Cherylndesigns How was your girls' day? What trouble did you get into? And don't say "who us?" all innocent like- I know you had shenanigans. :giggle4:

Hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday! Hugs!
I meant to mention that Mark could use hearing aids too but he would have to leave them out at work with all the machine noise. Not sure why the Lord thought I needed two husbands and both not able to hear! :furious: :floorlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Good morning my lovely O Family.
@faerywings Chris the party sounds like a fun time!!! I bet it was a hoot when you came out looking like Caitlyn. How fun. Thank you for telling us all about the party. Its so exciting to sit here having coffee with you and hearing about the amazing time you all had. So much fun!

Sorry about your dads hearing aid appointment. That doesn't sound fun at all. I would find a different person too. My FIL had them through the VA and he had a lot of adjustments and things. They did a great job making sure he could hear what was needed and the background minimal.

Sorry Vicky! @vickyday Its so hard when they cant hear us. Why they loose the "Womens tones" first is beyond me. We're getting there but not quite yet.

Chris you'll be happy to know, I am doing nothing today! My "boys" are all sick and hubs feels the head cold trying to get him so they all decided to "couch church" (watch online). So I decided to stay hone too, not go alone. I'm sitting on my heating pad and things are better but still gonna sit with my feet up and try super hard to chill. I dont think I said but I'm pretty sure I pulled a muscle Wednesday and by when I woke up Friday I couldn't move without pain. So its better but I'm gonna stay still today. Tomorrow is Chiropractor and laundry. We shall see how it goes.

Have a wonderful day!!!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... OMG so much is happening around here, I will never catch up with you all!! DH and I have been super busy with the yard work and In-Laws yard work too! Today we will be running all the garden waste to Bings Creek recycling centre and then spending a few hours just chatting and having happy hour with the In-Laws and SIL Linda, everyone is finally feeling well again. Darn DH is pouring my coffee and wants to sit on the deck so I will have to try come back later on, seems there is always something happening when he is home LOL. I love the guy but sheesh :giggle4:


Love my O Family!
Good morning my lovely O Family.
@faerywings Chris the party sounds like a fun time!!! I bet it was a hoot when you came out looking like Caitlyn. How fun. Thank you for telling us all about the party. Its so exciting to sit here having coffee with you and hearing about the amazing time you all had. So much fun!

Sorry about your dads hearing aid appointment. That doesn't sound fun at all. I would find a different person too. My FIL had them through the VA and he had a lot of adjustments and things. They did a great job making sure he could hear what was needed and the background minimal.

Sorry Vicky! @vickyday Its so hard when they cant hear us. Why they loose the "Womens tones" first is beyond me. We're getting there but not quite yet.

Chris you'll be happy to know, I am doing nothing today! My "boys" are all sick and hubs feels the head cold trying to get him so they all decided to "couch church" (watch online). So I decided to stay hone too, not go alone. I'm sitting on my heating pad and things are better but still gonna sit with my feet up and try super hard to chill. I dont think I said but I'm pretty sure I pulled a muscle Wednesday and by when I woke up Friday I couldn't move without pain. So its better but I'm gonna stay still today. Tomorrow is Chiropractor and laundry. We shall see how it goes.

Have a wonderful day!!!!
Sounds like your family has the same crud I have....head cold! Hope your DH doesn't succumb to severely!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your family has the same crud I have....head cold! Hope your DH doesn't succumb to severely!
I'm sure it would be hard if we all got it at once but its frustrating to all be off a couple days. I started last Sunday and slowly every couple days another has gone down. And they've all been slightly different. I hope you get well quickly and Mark doesn't get it.


Love my O Family!
I'm sure it would be hard if we all got it at once but its frustrating to all be off a couple days. I started last Sunday and slowly every couple days another has gone down. And they've all been slightly different. I hope you get well quickly and Mark doesn't get it.
Mark is actually the one who started it, the bugger! He said it was just his allergies that kicked in after he mowed the grass.....NOT! I knew I should have stopped kissing him! ;). Next time I will listen to my gut!


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies... OMG so much is happening around here, I will never catch up with you all!! DH and I have been super busy with the yard work and In-Laws yard work too! Today we will be running all the garden waste to Bings Creek recycling centre and then spending a few hours just chatting and having happy hour with the In-Laws and SIL Linda, everyone is finally feeling well again. Darn DH is pouring my coffee and wants to sit on the deck so I will have to try come back later on, seems there is always something happening when he is home LOL. I love the guy but sheesh :giggle4:
I know, right?! Same here! It has been so hot this summer that Mark has not spent nearly as much time in the woods as he usually does! I have had my fill of auto racing, foot ball.....TV in general! ;)


Another cool morning... but it is heating up quickly so closed up the house early. I didn't get any other laundry loads done yesterday. I need to do at least 1 load... gotta have undies!! :lol23: :floorlaugh: :lol23: Just ran out of steam and ended up reading instead. Just saw Joyful Hearts CU Blendy Goodness 1 (masks for papers) and had to play with them. I love blending papers together and/or making my own masks - so these are right up my alley!! :claphands::dancing6::yesss:

I cried.
Four separate times, by Caitylyn's count.
All happy tears, she looks so beautiful in her wedding dress but most importantly, she looks overjoyed. Simply radiant.
I wasn't expecting it, maybe a little teary, lump in my throat. But seeing her face-- mmm hmmm, that got me. I joked that maybe if I got it all out now, I won't cry the day of. The dress shop owner/wizard with the thread and needle-- she just *laughed.* She said all of the MoBs say that, and it never pans out that way. I think I might cut up some paper towels into small sheets, they won't shred like a tissue will.

Positive note: The waterproof mascara I was wearing did not show even the smallest of runs or flakes.

The weather looked like it was going to cooperate for the bachelorette party. I even saw the sun at one point mid-day. But 15 minutes before we were leaving, the sky got pitch dark and poured. It rained on and off until 9 pm which is when I headed home. I *adore* Caitlyn's friends. All of them. Jen and Sam did such an amazing job with everything. The invite was for the guests to dress like Caitlyn and she was wearing a little white dress. Caitlyn's normal clothes are black shorts or leggings, fishnets, black tops, and *always* a black plastic "tattoo" choker. The other option was to dress like Tom and one of her friends did that and it was hysterical! I had packed a bag with a black lace top, black leggings, and boots. Sam had the stretchy choker for me when I got there. When I came out of the bathroom, dressed like Cait- she lost it. LOL!
Her friends didn't mind that I was there-- it wasn't a raunchy party at all, other than ummmm-- "oddly shaped" straws
:blushing1: :giggle4:
Sam and Jen had some games planned out and I won at trivia. 100% unfair advantage for me and I didn't want to accept the prize but they insisted. (I mean it was so unfair- one of the questions was "What would Caitlyn's name have been if she was born a boy?" )
Scott came up after he got off of work, I saw him for a few, took some group photos, and then left the kids to do their own thing from there.
MY BFF was making me LMBO. Her DD (my niece/goddaughter) was there and my BFF was texting me to send her pictures. I was getting ready to leave and Julia stopped me and said that she was channeling her mom and we had to get group photos before I left. Meanwhile, my phone had been blowing up from her mom with those texts to get group photos. Apples really don't fall far from the tree, do they? My BFF will be happy to see the pics, me too!

Today has to be a "relax day" for everyone. Sam will be bringing Caitlyn back here at some point. I know it will be the last low-key day for a while.
Oh, Chris..... you almost had me in tears, too... happy ones for you! Even with the rainy weather, the party was a success. I can just imagine you dressed like Cait!!! Yes, you need to share a few of the photos of the party. Glad everyone is going to take "relax day" for every one.

I'm sure it would be hard if we all got it at once but its frustrating to all be off a couple days. I started last Sunday and slowly every couple days another has gone down. And they've all been slightly different.
So sorry that it is doing the slow rounds in your family!! That used to happen when all my kids still lived at home. Sending healing thought to all who are sick.

Morning ladies... OMG so much is happening around here, I will never catch up with you all!! DH and I have been super busy with the yard work and In-Laws yard work too! Today we will be running all the garden waste to Bings Creek recycling centre and then spending a few hours just chatting and having happy hour with the In-Laws and SIL Linda, everyone is finally feeling well again. Darn DH is pouring my coffee and wants to sit on the deck so I will have to try come back later on, seems there is always something happening when he is home LOL. I love the guy but sheesh :giggle4:
Glad to hear that SiL Linda and in-laws are finally well again. Enjoy these lovely mornings having coffee with your DH... it will soon be too cold to sit out on the deck.

Well, the :laundry: is not going to do itself... so better get busy. HAGD


Well-Known Member
Hectic day so just a short note...got to get ready to go to a dinner party soon but I wanted to comment

@faerywings I had a sewing business and altered wedding gowns allot..I always pinned a few safety pins in the petticoat just in case one was needed...sometimes it saved a situation for my brides or bridesmaids. One other thing...if the bridesmaids have strapless gowns with those strings to hang them, I would cut them off then pin them back on so for the ceremony they could remove them so they didn't accidentally hang out during the day (for pics'---someone told me it happened to her friend and all the pic's were goofed up )

@AK_Tracy and @JeanneMN ---brrrr.

Have a good day/evening


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good evening.

Late, as usual. Adrienne and Ava came over this morning and visited. They had been to Walmart already and gotten me this awesome lightweight sweater that I had been looking for. I just love it - it's kind of a camel color that will go with everything. I've been looking for one all over the place and they just happened to find one at Walmart. Then, Adrienne and I went back into town a couple of hours later - went to the other grocery store in town (the one that's more expensive than Wally's, but we love it) then we went to the liquor store - she wanted to get the fixins' for her chocolate martinis. The guys all watched the football game at their house - don't ask me who was playing - I could care less.:lol23::lol23:

Chris - the countdown is on - I can hardly stand the excitement for you. I sent you lots of hugs over crying 4 times. It's ok - it will pass. Cry, get it out and SO glad your waterproof mascara held up. That's awesome! As for our shenanigans - "WHO US"?????? You knew I'd say that. We actually started our Christmas shopping - GULP. I hate to even think about it, but we have this amazing Christmas Gift APP and we dug it up again and called it back into play. The end of summer sales are rampant and heck, who cares if they're fodder for Christmas gifts??? I got some major gifts taken care of.

The girls put Apple TV on my apps (for my TV) this morning. I'm going to watch "Who In The Bleep Did I Marry?" It's a true story about a woman right here in town - Ava just took wedding pictures of her and her ???? husband yesterday. Anyway, she married "her dream man" and he had a secret life and a secret family.

Well, I must get my "business" taken care of so I can go curl up on the couch and watch Apple TV.

Hugs to all and XOXO.
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Well-Known Member
The girls put Apple TV on my apps (for my TV) this morning. I'm going to watch "Who In The **** Did I Marry?" It's a true story about a woman right here in town - Ava just took wedding pictures of her and her ???? husband yesterday. Anyway, she married "her dream man" and he had a secret life and a secret family.
Wow this sounds super interesting. Scary yet interesting.