
Daily Ooos: Monday, September 23


The Loopy-O
Annnnd we are back to Monday!

What a weekend. Yesterday was one of those days when I got into bed I was amazed that it was only 12 hours earlier that we were picking Cait and Tom up from the cruise. It felt like it was days and days earlier. It also felt like the actual pick-up at the port was a year crammed into 10 minutes. I don't know if all ports are like the one in Bayonne but man, that was a *wild* time.
Caitlyn had told us their disembarkment was at 9 and when she texted that they were off the ship at Zone 6 Pick Up Area, it was 8.51. We were 7 minutes away. We got to the ship right at 9 and it was pure chaos. Three lanes of cars flowing into 1-ish plus a shoulder. I think... it's kind of a blur. Cars are pulling over or stopping dead in front or along the side, pulling back out. People milling about everywhere. We tried to get squeezed in at a small opening at Zone 6 and then we were waved on by the "traffic-waver-on-ers." (Ha. I have no idea what the word is. 100% brain fart.) There was a place we could double park at Zone 7, I ran out of the car to look for them, threw the luggage in the car, got them seatbelted and in the crash position (JK!), and got out of the lot at 9:11.
Pure chaos. I was astounded that there weren't any accidents or injuries. :jawdrop3:

They had an awesome time, Caitlyn's only complaint was that she wished that pajamas were acceptable to wear outside of the stateroom at night :D That's my girl LOL. Tom came back addicted to sourdough bread. That stinks because I tried keeping sourdough starter years ago and it was too much of a hassle for me.

This is the first of many busy days in a row, I am going to Gary to the LLMD this afternoon and tomorrow homeschool begins. I have something going on every day until Sunday, Monday the 30th is free, and then every day until Oct 6. Silly me, I thought things would slow down after the wedding :crazy: :giggle4:

Hope that everyone is having a wonderful start to the week!


Love my O Family!
Annnnd we are back to Monday!

What a weekend. Yesterday was one of those days when I got into bed I was amazed that it was only 12 hours earlier that we were picking Cait and Tom up from the cruise. It felt like it was days and days earlier. It also felt like the actual pick-up at the port was a year crammed into 10 minutes. I don't know if all ports are like the one in Bayonne but man, that was a *wild* time.
Caitlyn had told us their disembarkment was at 9 and when she texted that they were off the ship at Zone 6 Pick Up Area, it was 8.51. We were 7 minutes away. We got to the ship right at 9 and it was pure chaos. Three lanes of cars flowing into 1-ish plus a shoulder. I think... it's kind of a blur. Cars are pulling over or stopping dead in front or along the side, pulling back out. People milling about everywhere. We tried to get squeezed in at a small opening at Zone 6 and then we were waved on by the "traffic-waver-on-ers." (Ha. I have no idea what the word is. 100% brain fart.) There was a place we could double park at Zone 7, I ran out of the car to look for them, threw the luggage in the car, got them seatbelted and in the crash position (JK!), and got out of the lot at 9:11.
Pure chaos. I was astounded that there weren't any accidents or injuries. :jawdrop3:

They had an awesome time, Caitlyn's only complaint was that she wished that pajamas were acceptable to wear outside of the stateroom at night :D That's my girl LOL. Tom came back addicted to sourdough bread. That stinks because I tried keeping sourdough starter years ago and it was too much of a hassle for me.

This is the first of many busy days in a row, I am going to Gary to the LLMD this afternoon and tomorrow homeschool begins. I have something going on every day until Sunday, Monday the 30th is free, and then every day until Oct 6. Silly me, I thought things would slow down after the wedding :crazy: :giggle4:

Hope that everyone is having a wonderful start to the week!
Sounds chaotic and organized at the same time! Glad they had a good time.
Hope Gary gets some relief at the DR today.
You are going to be a busy bee!


The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes I think you had that same side effect last year... the hot and cold flashes. I am getting that too- where I feel like I can't regulate my body temp. Although I don't know if that is from the shot or just me.
I hope you having a great time with the family ♥

@bcgal00 I am so glad that Remi is doing better with her knee She sure is a worker dog and needs to have a task to keep her busy. I bet she is so cute with her squeaky ball :hug3:
Have a super time on the cruise, I am happy that the strike and all that worked out for you

@AK_Tracy I scrolled up from the bottom and saw that you had another power outage. What do you do in the winter, do you have fireplaces or a pellet stove for heat? I hope that your power is back on by now.

@taxed4ever I'm going to start asking for some rain vibes from everyone. It was supposed to rain last week Tues- Saturday and we haven't had a drop. I don't think it has rained since Sept 7th.
Lots of good thoughts and easy decision-making for Linda's DSs about the property.

@Cherylndesigns Yup, flu and covid vax at the same time. I figured if I was going to feel like ****, let me feel a little worse but only once. All of my fingers and toes are crossed that when you get yours you have no bad reactions.
I am glad that you are starting to watch TV and hang out in your meditation room. I'll look for your LO about it.

@vickyday your bike ride and ice cream sounds like a perfect day! So happy that you and Mark are feeling back to normal.

@Terri M I remember reading about the vaccine's strong reaction but I wonder if it is the same as people say that awful morning sickness is a good sign because that means that the pregnancy hormones are working :p
I hope that the wrist pain is much better today and that you aren't trying to do too much with your hands. Love that you picked pink bandages for your g-DDs!

@JeanneMN Hahahaha! You are freakin' magnificent no matter what!

@BoatLady hope that the busy-life has been filled with good things only!

Kay-- great news for DD#1's foot, those boots are the pits.

TV Rec for any Stephen King Fans- we are watching The Outsider and it is keeping my attention glued to the screen.

Time to get going, the dogs want to go outside

Love to all! xo


Love my O Family!
Good morning,
Up early to take DHs truck to the shop. He worked on the brakes and then the wipers wouldn't work and the windows wouldn't roll back up! :floorlaugh:
I was going to walk but it is so foggy I wasn't comfortable going. Maybe when the sun burns some of the fog away. Til then I am picking up around the house. So I'll be back later today. I have a dirty story to tell! Not what you think ;)


Love my O Family!
@BrightEyes I think you had that same side effect last year... the hot and cold flashes. I am getting that too- where I feel like I can't regulate my body temp. Although I don't know if that is from the shot or just me.
I hope you having a great time with the family ♥

@bcgal00 I am so glad that Remi is doing better with her knee She sure is a worker dog and needs to have a task to keep her busy. I bet she is so cute with her squeaky ball :hug3:
Have a super time on the cruise, I am happy that the strike and all that worked out for you

@AK_Tracy I scrolled up from the bottom and saw that you had another power outage. What do you do in the winter, do you have fireplaces or a pellet stove for heat? I hope that your power is back on by now.

@taxed4ever I'm going to start asking for some rain vibes from everyone. It was supposed to rain last week Tues- Saturday and we haven't had a drop. I don't think it has rained since Sept 7th.
Lots of good thoughts and easy decision-making for Linda's DSs about the property.

@Cherylndesigns Yup, flu and covid vax at the same time. I figured if I was going to feel like ****, let me feel a little worse but only once. All of my fingers and toes are crossed that when you get yours you have no bad reactions.
I am glad that you are starting to watch TV and hang out in your meditation room. I'll look for your LO about it.

@vickyday your bike ride and ice cream sounds like a perfect day! So happy that you and Mark are feeling back to normal.

@Terri M I remember reading about the vaccine's strong reaction but I wonder if it is the same as people say that awful morning sickness is a good sign because that means that the pregnancy hormones are working :p
I hope that the wrist pain is much better today and that you aren't trying to do too much with your hands. Love that you picked pink bandages for your g-DDs!

@JeanneMN Hahahaha! You are freakin' magnificent no matter what!

@BoatLady hope that the busy-life has been filled with good things only!

Kay-- great news for DD#1's foot, those boots are the pits.

TV Rec for any Stephen King Fans- we are watching The Outsider and it is keeping my attention glued to the screen.

Time to get going, the dogs want to go outside

Love to all! xo
Normal?? What ever does that mean? :floorlaugh:

Terri M

Well-Known Member
@faerywings I would gladly send you some rain. After a summer of drought the last three weeks we have gotten more rain than we need. But it is nice to see the grass turning green again. Although David complaints that now he has to mow!

@vickyday I I did have to laugh about the electrical things not working after the brakes got fixed! I suppose for some people this makes sense, but for me it just means we don't do anything on the car ourselves because it's a total mystery. Like, why should that happen?

I am so happy that my fingers are working again. I reversed my mouse buttons back to their normal condition, and except for the fact that my bandage gets in the way I can move my mouse much better than I could with my left hand. And I am over the pain for the most part. Thank you, everybody, very much for all of your good thoughts, i think my healing is coming right along. One more week and then i will get the stitches out, have one physical therapy session, and get ready to fly to Portugal!

I must admit that I am starting to like this whole voice to text option on my computer. It works quite well, as long as my husband is out of the house, and even though I'm a comfortable typist, talking is faster. I just have to figure out how to let David know not to interrupt me when I am talking to machines and not to him.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies, its a rainy day and I am sending some rain vibes out your way @faerywings ! It is supposed to be rainy until Friday. Our hike this week is quite a distance away and if its going to be pouring I most likely won't be going. We will see, the weather around here changes a lot, poor weather people must have a really hard time trying to determine what its actually going to be like.
It is nice a quiet here this morning, so I will be happy to just putter around and try to get a few things done in my craft room and here at the O. Yesterday was spent getting all the house work completed and I even got all of the laundry done too. No chores to do today Hooray! I wonder what will come up to throw a wrench into my day :giggle4: .

They had an awesome time, Caitlyn's only complaint was that she wished that pajamas were acceptable to wear outside of the stateroom at night :D That's my girl LOL. Tom came back addicted to sourdough bread. That stinks because I tried keeping sourdough starter years ago and it was too much of a hassle for me.
So glad that the newlyweds had a great vacation!! Yup that would be perfect for Caitlyn if she could wear her pj's all over the ship LOL. I was wondering what the food would be like for Cait and Tom, hopefully there was a good selection for their dietary needs! Sounds like you are having a busy week!! Remember to take time to relax once in awhile :whip4:.
Up early to take DHs truck to the shop. He worked on the brakes and then the wipers wouldn't work and the windows wouldn't roll back up! :floorlaugh:
I was going to walk but it is so foggy I wasn't comfortable going. Maybe when the sun burns some of the fog away. Til then I am picking up around the house. So I'll be back later today. I have a dirty story to tell! Not what you think ;)
OMG really now the windows and wipers won't work :lol23:. Not funny for your Mark I am sure, but sheesh who knew that the brakes would tied to the windows. Can't wait to hear your dirty story!!
I am so happy that my fingers are working again. I reversed my mouse buttons back to their normal condition, and except for the fact that my bandage gets in the way I can move my mouse much better than I could with my left hand. And I am over the pain for the most part. Thank you, everybody, very much for all of your good thoughts, i think my healing is coming right along. One more week and then i will get the stitches out, have one physical therapy session, and get ready to fly to Portugal!
I am so happy that your fingers are working again also!! What a good idea to use the talk to txt on you computer!! How lucky are you to be going to Portugal!! Seems to be a very popular vacation spot these days!!

Ok Heather will be calling shortly, they were going to look at two houses for sale this weekend, so I am anxious to hear how it went! Have a great Monday everyone! :waving1


Well-Known Member
Good Morning All!

This is the first of many busy days in a row, I am going to Gary to the LLMD this afternoon and tomorrow homeschool begins. I have something going on every day until Sunday, Monday the 30th is free, and then every day until Oct 6. Silly me, I thought things would slow down after the wedding :crazy: :giggle4:
Yes, silly you! Slowing down isn't really in your vocabulary is it. :heartpumppink: :giggle4: The cruise pickup sounds totally chaos and I agree its amazing no accidents happened. Glad they're home safe and sound.
@AK_Tracy I scrolled up from the bottom and saw that you had another power outage. What do you do in the winter, do you have fireplaces or a pellet stove for heat? I hope that your power is back on by now.
Well, you get blankets and go to bed early. We dont have a wood stove. We talk about it all the time but when we drew our house plans I didn't include a wood stove. We do have one in the garage (there's no other heat in garage) so worse case we could hang out there but its never been bad or long enough to warrant that. It was 2 1/2 hours yesterday so not too bad.
I have a dirty story to tell! Not what you think ;)
Wait what? And then ya leave us hanging? :floorlaugh:
I must admit that I am starting to like this whole voice to text option on my computer. It works quite well, as long as my husband is out of the house, and even though I'm a comfortable typist, talking is faster. I just have to figure out how to let David know not to interrupt me when I am talking to machines and not to him.
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: You need a sign, I will be talking to the computer not you, please dont reply. :floorlaugh: Place it in his lap and then go play.

No chores to do today Hooray! I wonder what will come up to throw a wrench into my day :giggle4: .
YEAH! I hope nothing wrenches your day and you can enjoy nothing. You deserve a nothing day.

Today is a bit warmer, its only 48* this morning. Chris if I could send you the rain I would. I'm over it. We had three beautiful days and then the rains came back. I hope this doesn't indicate an early winter. Today is an errand day and I get to see the grands. Off to get more coffee. Have a wonderful day.

Terri M

Well-Known Member
I did have to laugh about the electrical things not working after the brakes got fixed! I suppose for some people this makes sense, but for me it just means we don't do anything on the car ourselves because it's a total mystery.
Now I have to laugh at myself because an hour after I type this, David comes home and replaces his own brake light! I'm amazed! I don't remember him doing anything like this in a couple decades. And as far as I can tell, it worked, Huh.


Love my O Family!
@faerywings I would gladly send you some rain. After a summer of drought the last three weeks we have gotten more rain than we need. But it is nice to see the grass turning green again. Although David complaints that now he has to mow!

@vickyday I I did have to laugh about the electrical things not working after the brakes got fixed! I suppose for some people this makes sense, but for me it just means we don't do anything on the car ourselves because it's a total mystery. Like, why should that happen?

I am so happy that my fingers are working again. I reversed my mouse buttons back to their normal condition, and except for the fact that my bandage gets in the way I can move my mouse much better than I could with my left hand. And I am over the pain for the most part. Thank you, everybody, very much for all of your good thoughts, i think my healing is coming right along. One more week and then i will get the stitches out, have one physical therapy session, and get ready to fly to Portugal!

I must admit that I am starting to like this whole voice to text option on my computer. It works quite well, as long as my husband is out of the house, and even though I'm a comfortable typist, talking is faster. I just have to figure out how to let David know not to interrupt me when I am talking to machines and not to him.
Exactly! Not sure how the two could be connected! But he has had electrical problems with this truck ever since he bought it used 3 years ago!
Glad you are getting along well after your surgery! Sounds like you won't be hindered at all in Portugal!
HA! I didn't realize you could talk to the computer and it would type for you! I need to find out where that option is on my MAC! I'm not savvy at all on a MAC! But when my son offers it to you for free.....FREE IS FOR ME! ;)


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies, its a rainy day and I am sending some rain vibes out your way @faerywings ! It is supposed to be rainy until Friday. Our hike this week is quite a distance away and if its going to be pouring I most likely won't be going. We will see, the weather around here changes a lot, poor weather people must have a really hard time trying to determine what its actually going to be like.
It is nice a quiet here this morning, so I will be happy to just putter around and try to get a few things done in my craft room and here at the O. Yesterday was spent getting all the house work completed and I even got all of the laundry done too. No chores to do today Hooray! I wonder what will come up to throw a wrench into my day :giggle4: .

So glad that the newlyweds had a great vacation!! Yup that would be perfect for Caitlyn if she could wear her pj's all over the ship LOL. I was wondering what the food would be like for Cait and Tom, hopefully there was a good selection for their dietary needs! Sounds like you are having a busy week!! Remember to take time to relax once in awhile :whip4:.

OMG really now the windows and wipers won't work :lol23:. Not funny for your Mark I am sure, but sheesh who knew that the brakes would tied to the windows. Can't wait to hear your dirty story!!

I am so happy that your fingers are working again also!! What a good idea to use the talk to txt on you computer!! How lucky are you to be going to Portugal!! Seems to be a very popular vacation spot these days!!

Ok Heather will be calling shortly, they were going to look at two houses for sale this weekend, so I am anxious to hear how it went! Have a great Monday everyone! :waving1
I know, right? He tried everything to get them to work again but finally got frustrated enough to call the garage.


Love my O Family!
OK, I'm back to fill you in on my dirty story!

Saturday I decided to clean up the bird feeder because, #1 it was empty, and #2 the stuck food was molding.
So, I fixed a 2 gal. mop bucket with about 1 1/2 gal. of HOT water, dish soap, and about 1/4 c. bleach and had the bucket in the kitchen sink.....I went back outside and shook as much of the debris out of the bird feeder that I could get out and brought it in the house and dunked it in the bucket. (I am wearing latex gloves because I don't like the idea of messing in bird stuff and I am trying to be very careful about what the feeder touches......a total waste of time as you will soon learn!)
After brushing and scrubbing around on the bird feeder, inside and out, there were areas in the corners in the very bottom that I could not get the junk out of, even digging and poking with an extra long meat-carving type knife. So I decided to let it soak for awhile and I went and started some laundry.
After the bird feeder had soaked about an hour I got back to trying to get the stuff out of the corners. Still no luck. I didn't have anything long enough in the house to use so I went outside and grabbed a fallen branch/twig that was long but not very thick (mistake #1...shoulda left that thing outside!). I took the bird feeder out of the mop bucket and put it in the sink (mistake #2) and moved the bucket to the counter (mistake #3). I proceeded to poke and jab into the corners of the bird feeder, beginning to get very frustrated as the gunk seemed to be glued into the corners! So I broke the stick making it somewhat shorter and getting a thinner end to poke into the gunk. As I'm going to town in those corners I wasn't paying attention that I was getting too close to the mop bucket. Next thing I know I hit the bucket with my elbow and knocked that 1 1/2 gal. of BLACK, birdseedy, disgusting water onto the kitchen floor! "OH, NO!!!!! OH, NO!!!!! OH, NO!!!!!" I kept saying over and over as I dashed to the bathroom, making a disgusting, wet path as I go, and grab the darkest, thickest towels I could get to quickly. Dashed back to the kitchen where I threw the towels onto the watery mess all over the floor and proceeded to walk on them to help soak up the water quickly! I had to pull the refrigerator out from the wall so I could clean the mess up from under it! THEN I had to spend the next hour mopping and wiping things down with Lysol wipes before I felt at ease about the mess!!! There is no telling what kind of mess leaked under the cabinets that I cannot see or get to! I am praying nothing got passed the baseboards of the cabinets (if you know what I mean).
In the mean time, when I am finishing up the last of the cleaning behind the fridge, Mark enters the basement from working outside on the truck. He saw water in the basement floor and immediately thought the water hose to the fridge was leaking. And then he heard me mopping and said, "Nope! Something else is going on!" HA! What an understatement!
Anyway, I got behind the fridge and on top of the fridge cleaned up as a bonus.....why not, right, since I had everything dragged out in the middle of the floor anyway?! I refilled the mop bucket with water and dish soap and stuck the stupid bird feeder back into it to soak some more! Then Mark moved the fridge back into place and I went to my recliner to rest! I told Mark I was about decided to throw the stupid bird feeder away and just buy a new one! I let it soak Saturday night and all day yesterday. The water was black again today when I finished cleaning it. This time I took the feeder and the bucket of water outside.....dumped the water and used the garden hose on full blast on the feeder. It is turned upside down out on the deck to dry (as is the bucket).
The End


Well-Known Member
OK, I'm back to fill you in on my dirty story!

Saturday I decided to clean up the bird feeder because, #1 it was empty, and #2 the stuck food was molding.
So, I fixed a 2 gal. mop bucket with about 1 1/2 gal. of HOT water, dish soap, and about 1/4 c. bleach and had the bucket in the kitchen sink.....I went back outside and shook as much of the debris out of the bird feeder that I could get out and brought it in the house and dunked it in the bucket. (I am wearing latex gloves because I don't like the idea of messing in bird stuff and I am trying to be very careful about what the feeder touches......a total waste of time as you will soon learn!)
After brushing and scrubbing around on the bird feeder, inside and out, there were areas in the corners in the very bottom that I could not get the junk out of, even digging and poking with an extra long meat-carving type knife. So I decided to let it soak for awhile and I went and started some laundry.
After the bird feeder had soaked about an hour I got back to trying to get the stuff out of the corners. Still no luck. I didn't have anything long enough in the house to use so I went outside and grabbed a fallen branch/twig that was long but not very thick (mistake #1...shoulda left that thing outside!). I took the bird feeder out of the mop bucket and put it in the sink (mistake #2) and moved the bucket to the counter (mistake #3). I proceeded to poke and jab into the corners of the bird feeder, beginning to get very frustrated as the gunk seemed to be glued into the corners! So I broke the stick making it somewhat shorter and getting a thinner end to poke into the gunk. As I'm going to town in those corners I wasn't paying attention that I was getting too close to the mop bucket. Next thing I know I hit the bucket with my elbow and knocked that 1 1/2 gal. of BLACK, birdseedy, disgusting water onto the kitchen floor! "OH, NO!!!!! OH, NO!!!!! OH, NO!!!!!" I kept saying over and over as I dashed to the bathroom, making a disgusting, wet path as I go, and grab the darkest, thickest towels I could get to quickly. Dashed back to the kitchen where I threw the towels onto the watery mess all over the floor and proceeded to walk on them to help soak up the water quickly! I had to pull the refrigerator out from the wall so I could clean the mess up from under it! THEN I had to spend the next hour mopping and wiping things down with Lysol wipes before I felt at ease about the mess!!! There is no telling what kind of mess leaked under the cabinets that I cannot see or get to! I am praying nothing got passed the baseboards of the cabinets (if you know what I mean).
In the mean time, when I am finishing up the last of the cleaning behind the fridge, Mark enters the basement from working outside on the truck. He saw water in the basement floor and immediately thought the water hose to the fridge was leaking. And then he heard me mopping and said, "Nope! Something else is going on!" HA! What an understatement!
Anyway, I got behind the fridge and on top of the fridge cleaned up as a bonus.....why not, right, since I had everything dragged out in the middle of the floor anyway?! I refilled the mop bucket with water and dish soap and stuck the stupid bird feeder back into it to soak some more! Then Mark moved the fridge back into place and I went to my recliner to rest! I told Mark I was about decided to throw the stupid bird feeder away and just buy a new one! I let it soak Saturday night and all day yesterday. The water was black again today when I finished cleaning it. This time I took the feeder and the bucket of water outside.....dumped the water and used the garden hose on full blast on the feeder. It is turned upside down out on the deck to dry (as is the bucket).
The End
Oh Vicky! I'm so sorry.
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
That sounds like a trick I would have done!!! What a mess.


Love my O Family!
AND after all of the drama with the bird feeder.........turns out the stupid thing is cracked down the side which is letting rain water in, I'm sure.....which is why the stuff stuck in the corner was molding and glued to the corners! OY VEY! I have to buy a new feeder anyway! Why, oh why did I not see that crack before I started the cleaning fiasco?!
Oh well.....I survived to tell about it, LOL! Only one problem.....no pictures to document the blasted event!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon all,

The temp has dropped 20 degrees - it's only 71 today! Please stay there and don't get hot again. I'm sure it will, but maybe for just a day here and there. I have a layout to catch up on for the new Color Play and I started working on Chris's AJ Challenge and posted my layout a few minutes ago. I fixed myself some yummy Chai Spiced Team with Silk and that tasted good. It has some caffeine in it, too.

Chris @faerywings I'm sure it was a mess picking the kids up, but how great to have them home. I saved you the trouble of looking for my meditation room LO, so here's the link: https://oscraps.com/community/media/treasured-spaces.395235/ I was my old office and doesn't look like the same room in any way.

Terri @Terri M glad you can push the mouse around more easily. How's your talk to text coming along? I started doing that a year or so ago and I'll never go back to texting. The girls had been after me to try it and I love it. When I first started, my hubby kept thinking I was talking to him, too. Then I taught him how to talk to text.

Vicky @vickyday I KNEW where that bird feeder cleaning story was going. What a mess.

Tracy @AK_Tracy another power outage. UGH.

Trudy @taxed4ever glad you have a nice quiet day to putter around the house.

Hugs to all and anybody else who wanders in here. :grouphugyay:


Well-Known Member
OK, I'm back to fill you in on my dirty story!

Saturday I decided to clean up the bird feeder because, #1 it was empty, and #2 the stuck food was molding.
So, I fixed a 2 gal. mop bucket with about 1 1/2 gal. of HOT water, dish soap, and about 1/4 c. bleach and had the bucket in the kitchen sink.....I went back outside and shook as much of the debris out of the bird feeder that I could get out and brought it in the house and dunked it in the bucket. (I am wearing latex gloves because I don't like the idea of messing in bird stuff and I am trying to be very careful about what the feeder touches......a total waste of time as you will soon learn!)
After brushing and scrubbing around on the bird feeder, inside and out, there were areas in the corners in the very bottom that I could not get the junk out of, even digging and poking with an extra long meat-carving type knife. So I decided to let it soak for awhile and I went and started some laundry.
After the bird feeder had soaked about an hour I got back to trying to get the stuff out of the corners. Still no luck. I didn't have anything long enough in the house to use so I went outside and grabbed a fallen branch/twig that was long but not very thick (mistake #1...shoulda left that thing outside!). I took the bird feeder out of the mop bucket and put it in the sink (mistake #2) and moved the bucket to the counter (mistake #3). I proceeded to poke and jab into the corners of the bird feeder, beginning to get very frustrated as the gunk seemed to be glued into the corners! So I broke the stick making it somewhat shorter and getting a thinner end to poke into the gunk. As I'm going to town in those corners I wasn't paying attention that I was getting too close to the mop bucket. Next thing I know I hit the bucket with my elbow and knocked that 1 1/2 gal. of BLACK, birdseedy, disgusting water onto the kitchen floor! "OH, NO!!!!! OH, NO!!!!! OH, NO!!!!!" I kept saying over and over as I dashed to the bathroom, making a disgusting, wet path as I go, and grab the darkest, thickest towels I could get to quickly. Dashed back to the kitchen where I threw the towels onto the watery mess all over the floor and proceeded to walk on them to help soak up the water quickly! I had to pull the refrigerator out from the wall so I could clean the mess up from under it! THEN I had to spend the next hour mopping and wiping things down with Lysol wipes before I felt at ease about the mess!!! There is no telling what kind of mess leaked under the cabinets that I cannot see or get to! I am praying nothing got passed the baseboards of the cabinets (if you know what I mean).
In the mean time, when I am finishing up the last of the cleaning behind the fridge, Mark enters the basement from working outside on the truck. He saw water in the basement floor and immediately thought the water hose to the fridge was leaking. And then he heard me mopping and said, "Nope! Something else is going on!" HA! What an understatement!
Anyway, I got behind the fridge and on top of the fridge cleaned up as a bonus.....why not, right, since I had everything dragged out in the middle of the floor anyway?! I refilled the mop bucket with water and dish soap and stuck the stupid bird feeder back into it to soak some more! Then Mark moved the fridge back into place and I went to my recliner to rest! I told Mark I was about decided to throw the stupid bird feeder away and just buy a new one! I let it soak Saturday night and all day yesterday. The water was black again today when I finished cleaning it. This time I took the feeder and the bucket of water outside.....dumped the water and used the garden hose on full blast on the feeder. It is turned upside down out on the deck to dry (as is the bucket).
The End
ugh!! That sounds like such a mess! Good thing you can laugh about it already!
@Terri M I missed that you were having surgery but I'm glad you're doing better!
@vickyday the car story reminds me of the story of the contractor who gives a price for the job, and then doubles it if the homeowner helps. Sounds like Mark is very resourceful though and good job for getting the tail light fixed.
Mark is doing pretty well after his surgery. Pain isn't too bad, he's been sleeping and icing mostly, being a good patient for the most part. I've been able to catch up on some Color plays and pre-releases while he's resting.
Hope you all had a good day!


Love my O Family!
ugh!! That sounds like such a mess! Good thing you can laugh about it already!
@Terri M I missed that you were having surgery but I'm glad you're doing better!
@vickyday the car story reminds me of the story of the contractor who gives a price for the job, and then doubles it if the homeowner helps. Sounds like Mark is very resourceful though and good job for getting the tail light fixed.
Mark is doing pretty well after his surgery. Pain isn't too bad, he's been sleeping and icing mostly, being a good patient for the most part. I've been able to catch up on some Color plays and pre-releases while he's resting.
Hope you all had a good day!
He's a little too resourceful sometimes....."if I can't fix it, it can't be fixed", LOL!