
Daily Ooos: Friday, September 27


The Loopy-O
Iiiiitttttsssss :friday:


Man oh man, working several days a week is gonna take some getting used to. I am beat right now. The rain yesterday was mostly drizzle and drippy so thankfully, everything for HS went well. One girl cried that we couldn't do the solar oven s'mores but I told her that I had all of the ingredients and materials and I still plan to do them another day. She also shrieked when she bumped her leg on the picnic table and when she got a mosquito bite- so there is that *wink*

I had 7 kids and most were 5-6 yos. I have to incorporate some more stuff for the 8 and 9 yo to do but this week was primarily about getting the 5 yos to listen. It was also for me to remember the basics, like reminding the kids they only need to use a tiny line of glue for the projects. Half a bottle of glue later and the boy still was squeezing it out. (exaggeration, yes, but not by much!)
The Director asked me to start thinking about the curriculum for the second Fall session and I am tossing around the idea of the Forest Ecosystem as the main topic. Plants, trees, animals and insects, soil, food webs- that kind of stuff of the weekly topics. I can't work on that yet, I want to make sure that I have the rest of this session fine-tuned. But if I can get enough ideas together to make that topic work, then I can pass her a description to put into the marketing materials.

I am going to visit my mom and dad this morning and I have an appt with a cardiologist this afternoon. I am going to the one they use which is a mile from their house. It's just a baseline/screening appt since I have such a big family history of cardiac disease. I wonder what my BP will be when they take it after being with my parents. Maybe I should have made the appt early and visited them afterward. :thinking2:

Big hugs to you all!


The Loopy-O
@taxed4ever I'm glad the rain stopped at least for a while. I bet your skin was starting to feel pruney with all of the rain you have had. Sounds like you had a nice day between your hair appt and the visit with your sister. That's sad that your other SIL is not talking to you and for no reason. :(
You know how I feel for Heather and househunting. It's so discouraging. The interest rates are starting to come down in the US, maybe they will do the same in Canada. Although Cait popped on to Zillow the other day and said that even with lower rates, the supply of houses is still overpriced. pfft.
Yikes about the earthquake! Glad that it didn't do any damage.

@AK_Tracy Ugh about PT and insurance and pain. Al lof it is a mess and I admire you so much for your positive attitude and perseverance. Or is that just the coffee talking? :coffeedrinker:

@Terri M 4" of rain in 12 hours -- wow!
I hope that you were able to get in touch with the bartender before the meeting, it is not fun trying to talk while lots of other people are also talking (that was all I did yesterday with the kids hahaha!)
I was never about to keep up with the P 52 or photo-a-day challenges so I can't help with finding templates. In my experience, I tend to wait until the last minute for things like that so I think it's never too early to think ahead.
You probably do this already but I like to make my own templates by deconstructing/reconstructing ones in my stash. Every time I alter a template, I save it as a copy for the next time.

That's a great idea by Tracy-- if you start a thread in the In Search Of forum, you might get some good suggestions!

@vickyday I hate when a new month comes up on me like that! Good luck with the Oct challenge prep.

@BrightEyes Have fun with the girls today! Any special plans or just enjoying the time together?

Love to all!


Popping in to get the Color Play LOs posted to the various sites. I see a couple more CP releases I like. Hope to get them later on tomorrow once DD#1 is on her way home. She will be leaving around noon. Yes, it has been lots of fun having everyone here. The week seems to have flown by... too soon.


Well-Known Member
Well I won’t have time to comment for a few days. Hurricane Helene gave us-wind all day some torrential rain lost power at 3 not too bad when it go dark we put generator on. Midnight our friends came over because their house was flooding. Many of our friends have flooded houses. We still do not have power but ok with generator. Several friends brought food to put in our freezer. yard Debris . Pond is up a little but that is about it. We are very lucky. We will be helping friends with house cleanups.
I want to be scrapping.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning lovely O's the rain has finally stopped and hopefully we will see some sunshine today! I had a nice time getting my hair done and chatting with Michelle my hairdresser. So nice to see my sister Wendy again, we had a lot of laughs and solved most of the world's problems over coffee :giggle4: . Too bad our other sister wasn't there, she is missing out on some great times! Her loss for sure!! Oh well today I will work on another colour play and I need to go to a local Community Farm Store to get the ketchup that I have been searching for. I emailed them the other day and they finally have some in stock. Other than that my Friday is free!! But I will watch out for SQUIRRELS!!

I had 7 kids and most were 5-6 yos. I have to incorporate some more stuff for the 8 and 9 yo to do but this week was primarily about getting the 5 yos to listen.
Gee I don't know why you would be so tired :lol23:. I would be exhausted taking care of 7 kids all under 10 years old!! :thud:Sounds like you are going to be very busy over the winter planning more activities for your HS. I think its so wonderful that after all these years you are back to work and doing something that you really like!!
Yes, it has been lots of fun having everyone here. The week seems to have flown by... too soon.
I know right?!! The days just seem to fly by when your family is all together and you are having such a good time!
We still do not have power but ok with generator. Several friends brought food to put in our freezer. yard Debris . Pond is up a little but that is about it. We are very lucky. We will be helping friends with house cleanups.
OMG sounds like Hurricane Helene is kicking some butt! Keep safe and how nice that you are able to store things for your friends and help with the clean up! Glad that you are not flooded out of your house!! :hug2:

Well I need to go and dry my hair and get the bed made before heading out this morning. Have a wonderful:friday:

Terri M

Well-Known Member
More rain today. Some of the lumber we had placed on the trail for tomorrow's work day got washed down the creek and had to be retrieved. I think they found everything but 1 or 2 boards, they'll probably be in Chesapeake Bay by tonight :lol23:

Midnight our friends came over because their house was flooding. Many of our friends have flooded houses. We still do not have power but ok with generator.
I hope you get power back quickly! Video I am seeing from Florida is scary. My cousin's house in Sanibel flooded. My brother in Fort Myers lost power. Fortunately they had bought a generator for Ian. Unfortunately he never took it out of the box, even knowing this week there's a storm coming up the coast, so he's working on setting it up this morning. My sister and I just shake our heads over our brothers.

I hope that you were able to get in touch with the bartender before the meeting
Yes! All went well and we had a good turnout despite the rain.

You probably do this already but I like to make my own templates by deconstructing/reconstructing ones in my stash. Every time I alter a template, I save it as a copy for the next time.
I noodle around with templates all the time but I'm not smart enough to think of saving them! In order to keep up week after week I need something that's flexible and quick to use. Im not artistic enough to be original and beautiful and still have time for other stuff in my life.