Another rainy day up the east coast. The rain and t-storms have been so active here the past month, maybe it will all be out of the system so when we go down the shore in Sept, we won't get a drop of rain. If only weather worked that way!
I am here a bit late this morning, I had to run to the lab to get blood drawn and that meant no coffee, I wish there was some way to get a special dispensation to waive that. Like in the Catholic Church you can pay them and they will give you a dispensation- I was allowed to marry Gary (non-Catholic) in a Catholic ceremony as long as I gave them money to do so. So if I give the Lab some money, they should let me drink coffee before bloodwork. *nods* That is absolutely what they should do.
I was able to get the plants all put away before the rain yesterday and Scott and I dropped his car off at the shop in the afternoon before the storms came through overnight. We played a few rounds of Scattergories after dinner and Gary was flat out making up his own words.
My *big* job today is to clean out the bottom cabinet of canned goods- there are ants in there and that means something must have leaked. The cabinet is a corner one and I literally have to climb halfway into it to reach the back. ( I HATE MY KITCHEN!!!!) That is always such a pain in the butt to do but not much choice in the matter.
Have a great day and stay cool/dry/safe/happy!
I am here a bit late this morning, I had to run to the lab to get blood drawn and that meant no coffee, I wish there was some way to get a special dispensation to waive that. Like in the Catholic Church you can pay them and they will give you a dispensation- I was allowed to marry Gary (non-Catholic) in a Catholic ceremony as long as I gave them money to do so. So if I give the Lab some money, they should let me drink coffee before bloodwork. *nods* That is absolutely what they should do.
I was able to get the plants all put away before the rain yesterday and Scott and I dropped his car off at the shop in the afternoon before the storms came through overnight. We played a few rounds of Scattergories after dinner and Gary was flat out making up his own words.
My *big* job today is to clean out the bottom cabinet of canned goods- there are ants in there and that means something must have leaked. The cabinet is a corner one and I literally have to climb halfway into it to reach the back. ( I HATE MY KITCHEN!!!!) That is always such a pain in the butt to do but not much choice in the matter.
Have a great day and stay cool/dry/safe/happy!