
Artful Add-ons + Video!

Vicki Robinson

Designer + Brush Queen + Mac Guru
Hi everyone! I'm excited to announce my new product series - "Artful Add-ons"!

Artful Add-ons are small collections of creative touches that you can use to enhance any page! Build a collection of them and use them with any kit to stretch your stash! You'll be amazed at what adding a texture or a brush - or even a bit of ephemera can do to kick up the style of your page!

Each Artful Add-on includes:

  • 1 12 x 12 Textured Overlay in JPG format - try layering them on top of your background and experimenting with your blend modes to change your background into something special
  • 1 12 x 12 Page Border in PNG format - change it's color to accent or contrast your background)
  • 3 Brushes - stamp them on separate layers in black or colors that complement your page and experiment with your blend modes!
  • 2 Hand-drawn Scribbles - instant artsy touch!
  • 3 Ephemera Bits - perfect for clustering with other elements
Each pack is on sale right now through the weekend for $3.00 - click on the image above to see them in my shop.

I've got a video for you on my YouTube channel featuring a page done by the so very talented, Jana Holden, to give you ideas on how you can use these Artful Add-ons to take YOUR page to the next level! To view the video at full screen, click the square brackets on the lower right of the video once it starts playing.
