
AnnaChallenge-Spring (Mar 18-31)


Good morning, it’s bi-monthly Monday and time for a new AnnaChallenge. Thank you all for participating in our last challenge "Family Ties". Congrats to SharLamb for being the lucky winner of the $5 gift kard to Anna’s Shop

Please join us in our new Challenge
March 18-31.

Spring is just a few days away.
You can see it and sense it in the air.
The signs of new life are everywhere.
What is it about this amazing season that inspires you?

•The emergence of soft color all around
•The exciting growth of new plants
•The blossoming of beautiful new flowers
•The hatching of baby bird eggs
•The warming of days
•A new project…a new beginning

Scrap a page that means 'Spring' to you.

Here are some AnnaProducts to inspire you further:

ArtPlay Palette Truth
ArtPlay Palette Savor
ArtPlay Palette Sweet Pea
ArtPlay Palette Hummingbird
ArtPlay Palette Blossom
MultiMedia Flowers No.1
MultiMedia Flowers No.2

You can also use other designer’s products, too, as long as your page contains some Anna products.

Upload your page to Anna’s Gallery with AnnaChallenge in the title and post it in the forum so we can all admire your work.

One lucky participant will be randomly selected to win a $5 GiftKard to Anna’s Shop. The winner will be posted on Monday, April 1.

Thank you all for participating!
Anna and the Team
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Well-Known Member
We also have 40cm of snow here - which is absolutely unexpected for this time of the year ;-) - but I hope the Spring will come soon - looking forward to it!


aA Creative Team Member
Wow, so great theme :) I will arrive with my page. Here are not snow, but brrr very cold weather with rain... I hope you can send us some warm sun


Well-Known Member
Raining here. Seeing some promises of spring! Trying to force some forsithia indoors for the first time. I need to dust off my camera!


Well-Known Member
Here is mine for the challenge. Can hardly wait for spring!!



I lOve the awesOme O!
So lovely theme! Yes....we are looking forward to spring! Here is very strong wind blowing, brrr....Brigi!


I love the beautiful mixed green hues of Spring. Anna's ArtPlay Savor was the perfect Spring palette for my AnnaChallenge page.



Well-Known Member
I keep waiting for Spring to arrive but it has not happened yet in this part of the world. Still cold and white outside.


Well-Known Member
I have two "spring imaginations". here is my "city spring" lo.
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I think these beautiful pages may be helping Spring to arrive...at least here in California! Hope you'll all be getting some Springtime weather soon.


Well-Known Member
I was inspired by all these lovely pages because spring doesn't come to my corner of the world. It's hot or less hot LOL Yes we're missing out! But I had this photo of lambs and decided to see if I could make it spring like.

Loved the challenge!
