
AnnaChallenge-SimplyYou (Jan 21-Feb 3)


Good morning! It’s bi-monthly Monday and time for a new AnnaChallenge. Thank you all for participating in our last challenge "FotoFocus". Congrats to LindyShay for being the lucky winner of the $5 gift kard to Anna’s Shop

Please join us in our new AnnaChallenge
SimplyYou (January 21 – February 3)


Less is more: There are so many beautiful digital elements that it is often tempting to layer and layer with fun and exciting results. But sometimes less is more and Anna’s new ArtPlay Palette Simplicity fits the theme perfectly.

Simplify: Your Challenge is to create a ‘simple’ page while maintaining your own style.
•How do you interpret ‘less is more’?
•Can two or three perfectly chosen elements do the trick of multiple elements?
•Or maybe you achieve a simple look with a monochrome palette.

Here are few AnnaTeamer pages for inspiration:

ValeJules Simple Life

Adryane A Family Found

Donna Life is Simple

Chris Make Your Mark

Check out these AnnaProducts for more inspiration:
ArtPlay Palette Simplicity
ArtPlay Solids Simplicity
Simplicity WordTransfers No. 1
ArtPlay Palette Classico
ArtPlay Palette Social Network
FotoInspired Frames No. 1
Foto N FrameBlenz No. 1

You can also use other designer’s products, too, as long as your page contains some Anna products.

Upload your page to Anna’s Gallery with AnnaChallenge in the title and post it in the forum so we can all admire your work.

One lucky participant will be randomly selected to win a $5 GiftKard to Anna’s Shop. The winner will be posted on Monday, February 4.

Thank you all for participating!
Anna and the Team


Well-Known Member
And, usually when something looks simple it was really a lot of work! Off for a few days of vacation - vacation from retirement! - so I'll try to get to this one when I get back.


Well-Known Member
here is my simple lo.
the 4 cardinal virtues (according to aristoteles)
wisdom, temperance, justice, courage. a simple guide to live a fulfilled and equilibrated life (but it is not easy).


Well-Known Member
Hi Chris, this challenge is just made for me :amen:

Thank you for the inspiration. ViVre.


Well-Known Member
So this is about as simple as it gets for me! This was definitely a challenge, but one I really enjoyed :)
