
AFT DESIGNS - March/April 2022 Challenge


I'm usually listening to music at any given point. Music really inspires me, especially lyrics.

The Challenge
I'm challenging you to use some song lyrics in a layout. It could be a title, or a whole song. Just make sure lyrics are used and let us know the song and artist in your description.

  • The challenge will run from March 1st - April 31st . Create a layout featuring song lyrics post it in the gallery, and then share it here with us in this thread as well. (There isn’t a specific place in the gallery you need to post, your personal gallery is fine.)
  • I ask that the layout utilize at least 30-50% of items from my store. (Don’t overthink that percentage, just make sure some of my items are used pretty please) Every layout you enter following the guidelines gets you one entry for the random prize!
  • Every layout you enter following the guidelines gets you one entry for the random prize.
  • Layout designers are eligible for the prize as well! (But you are only eligible one entry per challenge please)

  • A $5 coupon - which is good for anything in my store
  • And please share! When you post, feel free to tell us about your creative process or something about your layout.

New Bonus Prizes
  • Random months (I won't be telling you which, shhh) I'll be picking two winners, or maybe even upping the gift certificate prize (you know know in advance, you'll just have to participate!)
  • New this year, everyone that participates will be entered into a pot at the end of the year for a large super prize.



Queen of the Universe
For some reason this old song (a poem, actually, but some of it was sung when it was released) popped into my head recently, so I decided to scrap it. I remember being enthralled by it when it was released; I can't believe I had forgotten it for so long.
