Q - Quick
scrap-genie Well-Known Member Aug 29, 2024 #128 X - Xavier, the dental technician who seats my crowns.
AnaSantos The O is Awesome CHEERY O Aug 31, 2024 #131 A - All the people who loves me, always in my hearth.
JeanneMN GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal CHEERY O Thursday at 12:59 PM #138 I - ice cream
JeanneMN GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal CHEERY O Yesterday at 8:40 AM #141 L - licorice, black, that's the only 'true' licorice imho, it has the anise, the other colors are candy
L - licorice, black, that's the only 'true' licorice imho, it has the anise, the other colors are candy