
A Hello from the Heartland and "Help" request


Well-Known Member
Hello from the state of Missouri! My name is Tessy and I am addicted to Scrappin. I have been wanting to join a forum for awhile and since I have several favorite scrappin places it was hard to choose one. I really like oscraps but I am need of help. Everytime I try to post a page to my gallery it will not show up. It says that it uploads but won't show in my album. I use a Mac and it is .jpg layout. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Anyhoo I love scrappin and capturing the memories. I have three kids, a beautiful daughter who is 4 and then I have boy/girl twins that will be two at the end of March.

Hope to getting to meet some new friends and get more involved here at oscraps if I can get this technical issue figured out.