
2024-05 Rachel Jefferies May 2024 Mixed Media Challenge ***CLOSED***WINNER ANNOUNCED****


Well-Known Member
Hey My Friends!! It's a brand new month and some brand new mixed media fun!

As a reminder, here is overview of the approach to the 2024 Mixed Media Challenges:
Each month through 2024 a broad theme will be provided for the challenge and you can interpret these themes as literally or as loosely and abstractly as you wish.

Please feel inspired and relaxed to experiment and personalize these challenges this year to your advantage. Our goal for 2024 is for you to get pages scrapped, use your stash of digital art, and if you’d like, and have time, practice some fun techniques to build confidence in your mixed media scrapbooking.

If you’d like to learn something specific please inbox Rachel with your suggestion.

For May 2024, our challenge will be around the theme "connections."

As noted above, this is a casual challenge and you can interpret this theme as literally or as loosely and abstractly as you wish and put your own spin on it.

If you need a helping hand and some suggestions to spark an idea or tackle this months challenge here are some prompts:
  • You can use "music" and how it may connect us to others, or how it makes it easier to understand concepts or remember moments.
  • You can use "relationships/friendships/group affiliations"
  • You can use random moments and how that moment may have created a connection
  • You can use how one action may impact a subsequent action (cause & effect)

With each challenge, a tip/technique/tutorial will be included. There is no pressure to incorporate the tip/technique/tutorial into your challenge page, the choice is entirely yours.

As I was creating my layout, I had a moment of struggle. I knew what I wanted to scrap but I struggled with how to show the connection in a more artsy way. And what do you know, I had an epiphany.

Tip: One easy way to "show" your connection is by scrapping down the sides of your page and leave the middle with a lot of white space (as I did below). Then using messy threads/string/ribbon or whatever element of your choice "connect" the two sides. I chose to add "digital scrapbooking" word art as that actually describes the initial connection between the 2 photos. This same approach if you prefer to scrap along the top/bottom.

Here is my layout:

Challenge Requirements:
  • Create a new page around the theme "connections"
  • Use at least 75% of Rachel's Product currently available in her Oscraps shop.
  • Any remaining percentage must be product from another current Oscraps designer. This could also include retired products from Rachel or the other current Oscraps designer.
  • Hybrid projects are also welcome and the same product rules apply. Where digital products are used in a hybrid project they must all come from current Oscraps designers, and at least 75% must be Rachel's Product.
  • Upload your layout to the Rachel Jefferies Designs Gallery at Oscraps with your product credits.
  • For your challenge entry to be counted, you MUST upload your finished layout to this thread. Please link your gallery image to your post in this thread, as it helps us leave love on your layout (and validate your project).
  • No double-dipping… your layout must be created for this challenge only, no others.
  • You must create a NEW layout for this challenge.
  • This challenge will remain open for the monthly coupons through May 31, 2024
  • All participants who post their page during the challenge month by the end of month deadline and meet the criteria will be eligible for a coupon of 15% off their next order (from Rachel's shop) of $10 or more.
  • ONE lucky random winner who posts their page during the challenge month by the end of month deadline and meets the criteria will receive a $8.00 coupon for Rachel's Shop here at Oscraps!
  • By completing ALL twelve of Rachel's Mixed Media Challenges at Oscraps in 2024, this will give you the chance to win a $25 coupon to her shop!
    • In order to be eligible for $25 Coupon to Rachel's shop you will need to do the following:
      • Complete ALL twelve of Rachel's Mixed Media Challenges at Oscraps in 2024 by December 31, 2024 by 1159 PM PDT.
      • Post the challenge layout in the appropriate challenge month thread in Rachel Jefferies Challenge Threads (for example: January Challenge layout must be posted in the January Challenge thread that is linked back to the gallery--even if you complete it in November, it still must be posted in the January Thread).
      • Complete your tracker thread with a link to each layout by December 31, 2024 by 1159 PM PDT.
Note: Challenge pages will be accepted for individual challenges after the actual challenge month and the end of month deadlines have both passed.

If you have any questions just tag me and I will get back to you as soon as I can. As always, I look forward to your creations!
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Well-Known Member
*****entries for the participation coupon and $8 coupon prize draw are now closed for the month of May****

The WINNER will be announced and the participation and the winning $8 coupon will be coming soon.


Well-Known Member
Congrats to @A-M you are the WINNER of this challenge!!! Please check your inbox here at Oscraps for your coupon code. If you have any issues with it, please let me know so that I can work to resolve.

The participation coupon has also been sent to everyone else that Participated. Please check your inbox here at Oscraps for your coupon code. If you have any issues with it, please let me know so that I can work to resolve.

****REMINDER: All coupons are temporarily disabled during 50% off Color Play weekends and during storewide sales and other promotional events.*****