
2014 Week 9 Project 365/Life/52


Well-Known Member
Yikes I just came to post my pages and realized I forgot to start the thread...I guess I am ahead of the game??

(I still need to check and finish the long week 6 in which we were on Kauai and I took too many pictures ;-)).

In week 9 we finally got some rain...almost 4"! That meant lots of rainbows as well! We also spotted the elk in our area...we only see them about once a year or so, so it was quite a treat to see a whole herd (only a couple in the picture, but there were about 12 in all).



Diane, you were quick with those beautiful pages. How super to have the elk, but everything looks lovely.

We had a warmer day, but are back to snow and very cold.

Awesome pictures everyone.....I would love to do this, but it would be the same pictures every week...we are such a rut around here.
wow these are beautiful! Frani I'd love to see you do this! Maybe it would be less about what you do more about you-thoughts for the day, out your window, etc?
Love the slipper perspective, Jean :-)

Fran, you should give it a try! When I journal on my pages, especially this year, I try to include something about my perspective on things...the weather, why I like these flowers, how special it is to see elk, etc. I think about my daughter reading these pages some day in the future, and maybe if I am blessed, perhaps grandchildren reading them :-)
Heather and Diane, I never thought about it like that....I do have lots of thoughts...hee hee
You should do it Fran, I love my PL Album. I often include things happeing in my distant families life. They send me pics from TN and Cali.

Awesome pictures everyone.....I would love to do this, but it would be the same pictures every week...we are such a rut around here.
Lindy, beautiful pages as always! Love that rear view mirror shot.

Fran, I agree you should/could do it. Look carefully at some of our pages and you'll see many pictures are around the house or yard. I take them at the store, library, along the street. It just is what's around me.
I love your pages Lindy...so artsy! I still need to try to include some artsy photo treatments in my pages, but I get stuck a lot because I like the original photo...I need to take some bad photos :-)

Heather you have so many wonderful perspectives in your shots...another idea I should incorporate!

I too often include pics sent by my daughter or sister in law...if you ever see snow, it's not from me! :-)

While we have finally gotten almost 4" of rain in the last week and a half, we are enjoying very warms temps in the 60s and 70s.

Great job keeping up everyone!