
trumpeter swans

  1. Swans a Swimming _Challenge-7-Big-Photo

    Swans a Swimming _Challenge-7-Big-Photo

    I took this photo at the zoo in Omaha where the beautiful swans were feeding in a green algae-covered stream. I added Simplette's Nothing More Frame, RF's Water Me, AASPN's Script Tease, LA Lily Pond as overlays.
  2. Romance in July, Swans on a Pond

    Romance in July, Swans on a Pond

    Swans on a pond in love.
  3. Romance in July Swans on a Pond

    Romance in July Swans on a Pond

    Two white swans on a pond in love--Romance in July.
  4. By the Millions

    By the Millions

    Easter Sunday would be beautiful later, but first thing was a cloud cover to burn off. The lighting was very subdued. We saw the most pelicans we'd ever seen in the air at one time, and sandhill cranes and trumpeter swans up close. But good lighting is just essential for nice bird photos.