

  1. Annie the Lamb

    Annie the Lamb

    I loved Annie the lamb. I found her when I was wandering alone (trespassing on) a neighbouring farm, lying next to her dead mother. We brought her home and fed her with a bottle. She seemed to love me as much as I love her, and was quite a character (Look at her smiling face!). So I was quite...
  2. The Aunties

    The Aunties

    My Dad (a motherless child) with the aunt who brought him up, and some other assorted female relatives that I need to ask him about!
  3. On the bus

    On the bus

    My Dad taking my grandad on the school bus route (he drove the bus for the local Maori school) when my grandparents were visiting from England.
  4. An independent woman

    An independent woman

    On the balcony of the first place where I lived alone (and loved it!). Created with "Strange" collection. Thanks for looking!