
#secret gifts

  1. secret.jpg


    Made for the secret gift challenge. I had gift #3
  2. Day 1 - Gift 2

    Day 1 - Gift 2

    I almost never use tags so this was not easy to me :) My darling granddaughter and a dog she looked after past weekend. They have gorgeous weather in Spain so no winter feelings. I forgot to take photo when we had tons of snow last week. Frankincense Digital Scrapbooking Collection by Lynn Grieveson
  3. Day 1/12- Secret Gift#1 by Sylvia

    Day 1/12- Secret Gift#1 by Sylvia

    Created with a background in "Discover Natural Treasures" by DigiARTventure and "Little Artist" by Palvinka and "Springtime" by Foxeysquirrel and WA in "Shadows Of The Past" by DayDreamdesigns and my own picture and journaling.