
project life

  1. The places you'll go

    The places you'll go

  2. Insomnia


  3. Kitchen fun

    Kitchen fun

    Embracing the beauty in simplicity on this dull and grey Saturday afternoon. ️ There’s nothing more therapeutic than turning a mundane day into a culinary adventure! ️✨ so let’s start crafting tonight’s dinner masterpiece. From chopping veggies to simmering flavors, the kitchen is my canvas. ️
  4. Changing colors

    Changing colors

  5. Bikeride 2023/10/06

    Bikeride 2023/10/06

  6. Bikeride 2023/10/08

    Bikeride 2023/10/08

  7. Early morning ride

    Early morning ride

  8. 27th of August

    27th of August

  9. bicycle ride

    bicycle ride

  10. rainy days

    rainy days

  11. farewell dinner and departure

    farewell dinner and departure

    On monday evening there was a "farewell dinner" Monday night for the American exchange students who have spent the past few weeks here in Belgium. Everyone brought something delicious for dinner, so the tables were filled with a plethora of flavors and dishes. It was great to see everyone doing...
  12. july 7th 2023

    july 7th 2023

  13. july 6th 2023

    july 6th 2023

  14. june 11 - fathers day

    june 11 - fathers day

  15. 12-17 june

    12-17 june

  16. libellen


  17. Bärlauch


  18. zandblauwtje


  19. june 19-23

    june 19-23

  20. January 11

    January 11

    while still in the early stages of recovery,my beloved husband suddenly fell gravely ill, and due to my physical limitations, I was unable to transport him to the hospital myself. We swiftly contacted emergency services, and an ambulance promptly arrived at our doorstep.