

  1. ella hand challenge.jpg

    ella hand challenge.jpg

    3 weeks of the biggest love.
  2. Ella 1. scrap 2024.jpg

    Ella 1. scrap 2024.jpg

    my first layout since 2010 more or less and my first of my daughter.
  3. AnnaLift - Love Of Your Life

    AnnaLift - Love Of Your Life

    It's so hard to understand that in a couple of weeks, these photos will be 26 years old. I can still smell the baby smell if I close my eyes. Time flies ...
  4. John & Dad

    John & Dad

  5. Sweet


    Kit "Hello Baby" From NLD Designs Photo by Petr Kratochvil at PublicDomainPictures.net Thanks for looking :)
  6. Sleep


    Kit "Night Lullaby" From NLD Designs Photo by Vera Kratochvil at PublicDomainPictures.net Thanks for looking :)
  7. in love

    in love

    I'm sooo in love with my newborn nephew. becki kress - tomboy paper flower ribbon swirl and stitch silversword71 - meilian frame recolored melgen - transparent alpha
  8. Alex Jr. has Arrived!

    Alex Jr. has Arrived!

    This is another page I did for Yuri when her precious little boy was born....I will eventually add Alex Jr. to his sisters site...I will make it a family site for them to enjoy. Credits: I made this kit using PSP11 Tubes: Little booties and the saftey pin I purchased from Jane's Country...
  9. Cayden Edward Hospital Left Page

    Cayden Edward Hospital Left Page

    Designer Credits: Bug A Boo by Traci Thompson; File Tie from Huggable by J Cantrill; Fonts: Tabor Handwriting, Hey It's Red Journaling - Left Photo: Right after you were born and they were moving you to take your measurements, you decided to make your gender proud by peeing on Dr. Seeker...
  10. Cayden Edward Hospital Right Page

    Cayden Edward Hospital Right Page

    Designer Credits: Bug A Boo by Traci Thompson; File Tie from Huggable by J Cantrill; Fonts: Tabor Handwriting Main Journaling: When I was admitted to the hospital four weeks early to deliver you, I had know idea that my world was going to be in slow motion for the next two days. I wemt into...
  11. Tender Moments

    Tender Moments

    Gracie is just two weeks old. Isn't she just so precious. I love black and whites of little ones. Kit is by Clohie Watkins, "Art Nouveau2"
  12. Sweet Baby Boy

    Sweet Baby Boy

    TFL! :) CREDITS: Merkeley Designs I Miss My Mother paper pack Merkeley Designs Spectrum of Tags Merkeley Designs Stir Stick Frame from Stir It Up Merkeley Designs Pin from Index Bits Merkeley Designs Heart Stamps Merkeley Designs Heart Brad from A Love for Ribbons kit Merkeley Designs...