

  1. Summer Story

    Summer Story

    new collection Summer story - this page is available as a Quick Page, Cluster, too.
  2. Summer Story

    Summer Story

    new collection Summer story - this page is available as a Quick Page, Cluster, too.
  3. Summer Story

    Summer Story

    new collection Summer story - this page is available as a Quick Page, Cluster, too.
  4. May you

    May you

    New collection May you. This page is available as a QP, cluster, too.
  5. May you

    May you

    New collection May you. This page is available as a QP, cluster, too.
  6. May you

    May you

    New collection May you. This page is available as a QP, cluster, too.
  7. Lovely day

    Lovely day

    New collection Lovely day - this page is available as a Quick Page, Cluster, too.
  8. Challenge-#6---Lovely-Daughter


    This was a bit of a toughy for me as I don't have very many fond memories of the year 2000! I used the beautiful and delicate collection "Lovely Day" from Natali Designs to put my emotions out there. I also used a quote from Viva Artistry's "Love and Loss WordArt"