

  1. this moment

    this moment

    created with Art Crush 80 and Just Sayin by Joyful Heart Designs. https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Color-Crush-80-bundled.html https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Just-Sayin-one.html
  2. Telephone


    Kit "He Is" From NLD Designs Photo by George Hodan at PublicDomainPictures.net Thanks for looking :)
  3. ADSR#10 - Home

    ADSR#10 - Home

    To sum it up, my future goal in life is to settle down from the military life and finally have a home of my own. -- all from Oscraps -- Essentials Crochet Flowers 2 by Amy Teets LuckyO Collab Kit (papers, template) -- -- -- all from ACherryOnTop -- Color Burst Blasted Frame Set by...
  4. be free

    be free

    I love this "not so great" photo of my son...YES he's running in nothing but a diaper and shirt...he's half hillbilly like his mam! LOL, he's just such a cool little guy. SO just his own little unique person! The kit is "The Gift" a collab kit by the designers here at...