"Under a starlit sky blanketed by snow, Santa stood by his sleigh, carefully reviewing his "Nice List," which shimmered with festive greetings from around the world. Beside him, a cheerful elf nestled in the sleigh, keeping watch over a tower of brightly wrapped presents destined for joyful...
Under a starlit sky blanketed by snow, Santa stood by his sleigh, carefully reviewing his "Nice List," which shimmered with festive greetings from around the world. Beside him, a cheerful elf nestled in the sleigh, keeping watch over a tower of brightly wrapped presents destined for joyful...
As the first snowflakes of winter gently fell, Dasher the woodland deer found himself chosen for a special task. Adorned with shimmering ornaments and garlands of holly, he stood proudly in the heart of the snowy forest, a beacon of festive cheer. The gifts beneath his watch were not just...
Under the glow of the winter moon, the magic of Christmas came alive. Santa Claus watched with a twinkle in his eye as his cheerful helpers—elves and geese alike—danced across the snow, their movements as light and lively as snowflakes swirling in a winter breeze. The geese flapped their wings...
Deep in the whispering woods, there existed a magical snowglobe, visible only to those whose hearts were pure with joy. On a frosty December eve, three playful elves stumbled upon the shimmering globe. Intrigued by its light, they couldn’t resist peeking inside. In a whirl of magic, the globe...
Under the snow-draped branches of the winter forest, Andrea discovered a clearing bathed in golden light. She carried her lantern, though the magic of the moment made it unnecessary. Before her stood a stag crowned with noble antlers, its coat speckled with snow like stars against the twilight...
Amidst the gentle hush of a snow-blanketed village, a curious tabby named Whiskers ventured out to greet the morning. Perched atop the weathered fence, a vibrant cardinal chirped a melody, its crimson feathers a brilliant contrast to the icy white. Whiskers tilted his head, enchanted by the song...
Amid the hush of winter, Eira strode through the snow-clad woods, her silver hair dancing in the icy breeze as she held her shepherd’s staff steady. A fox padded close by, its amber eyes alight with trust, while another lingered near the tree line, ever watchful. Above them, a snowy owl soared...
This is the main page of a two-page storybook style layout. Here's the haiku that goes with the picture:
Golden fur glimmers,
Snow whispers through barren trees,
Crows wing winter's song.
Both pages of a two-page storybook style layout. Here's the story:
Beneath the arch of an ancient stone ruin, two young adventurers tread carefully through the snow, their lantern casting a warm glow against the frosty air. The boy holds the light steady, his gaze scanning the path ahead, while...
This is the main page of a two-page storybook style layout. Here's the story:
Beneath the arch of an ancient stone ruin, two young adventurers tread carefully through the snow, their lantern casting a warm glow against the frosty air. The boy holds the light steady, his gaze scanning the path...
Wondering when everyone decorates their tree? When I was growing up, my parents always put the tree up Thanksgiving weekend. I followed that tradition with my kids. Now that we're empty nesters the tree goes up when we're feeling like decorating... which could be anywhere from mid Nov to mid Dec.
Playing with my favorite goose from Winter Frost to see how well he works with other kits. Apparently he blends in with the Seasons Change kit seamlessly! Extra hen from Autumn Harvest. Wordart from Countryside.
Winter Frost Collection by Lynne Anzelc Designs and Cheryl Budden
https ://www.oscraps.com/shop/winter-frost-digital-art-collection-lynne-anzelc.html - Also available to purchase as separate kits, everything is also in Craft Artist pack file format if required.
Winter Frost Collection by Lynne Anzelc Designs and Cheryl Budden
https ://www.oscraps.com/shop/winter-frost-digital-art-collection-lynne-anzelc.html - Also available to purchase as separate kits, everything is also in Craft Artist pack file format if required.
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