
lynn grieveson when

  1. Focus


  2. Love it when you sit like this  ;-)

    Love it when you sit like this ;-)

    Mr Hobbes just waking up from a nap
  3. Fairy Party

    Fairy Party

    DD waiting for people to arrive at her fairy party. She had a fabulous time. It was a mad ring around an hour before for me when I realised none of the classmates invited were coming :-(
  4. Rainy days everywhere

    Rainy days everywhere

    More thoughts about living with the rain :-)
  5. 2002-When-Will-the-Rain-Stop.jpg


    2002 When Will the Rain Stop When Digital Scrapbooking Collection Lynn Grieveson Wide world Template Album by Lynn Grieveson
  6. Way back when

    Way back when

    Old photos of me ;-)
  7. When will the rain end?

    When will the rain end?

    Living with someone with extreme seasonal affective disorder comes with its challenges. Hopefully moving to sunnier city and being able to travel again will help, but everywhere you go there are rainy grey days.
  8. When we couldn't see

    When we couldn't see

    DD in Australia when the forest fires meant we couldn't see (or breathe)