
lynn grieveson no big deal

  1. Hicksville


    Lynn Grieveson's August Featured Product Challenge
  2. Medal Denied

    Medal Denied

    I completed this for the Lynn Grieveson Designs August 2022 Featured Product Challenge https://oscraps.com/community/threads/2022-08-lynn-grieveson-august-2022-featured-product-challenge.36007/#post-634901
  3. 22_08_O_lgrieveson_feat-product-challenge


    Lynn Grieveson August 2022 Featured Product Challenge https://oscraps.com/community/threads/2022-08-lynn-grieveson-august-2022-featured-product-challenge.36007/
  4. Some Days Are...

    Some Days Are...

    I'm loving Lynn Grieveson's New! March 2022 release...No Big Deal...I like the bold & vibrant colors & the to the point : WA...Wonderful brushes & paint!...I used a bit of everything to complete my rather colorful full page...Ever have one of those days?...or plenty of those days?...I know I...
  5. The art of living

    The art of living

    Travelling in Europe in 2019, when I had friends to visit art galleries with AND who took my photo (something that rarely happened when travelling with family when I was always behind the camera!)
  6. No Big Deal

    No Big Deal

    Reflecting on DD's ability to roll with everything, including all the challenges of having her last year of school and first two years so far of uni in a pandemic with all that entails.
  7. Too many people

    Too many people

    When DH and I went to the mall for the first time in nearly two years and completely failed to realise it was Black Friday ... way too many people!
  8. Walking and talking

    Walking and talking

    DD and her Dad when he invited us on a weekend away.
  9. Chords


    Trying to learn the guitar a long time ago!