

  1. Lucky-Charms-and-Clover.jpg


    This kit was perfect for my St. Patrick's Day Rainbow photos!
  2. Alette


    Made using foxeysquirrel’s fs-thats-weird kit.
  3. Tell Me Your Secret

    Tell Me Your Secret

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Dragon wings kit, Olivia_Background 1, Corroded_Background 5, forest _Bunny 1, TR Castellum, Feather 6, Isabella_Background 9
  4. Less is more

    Less is more

    Tempus Digital Scrapbooking Complete Collection by Rachel Jefferies and Lynn Grieveson
  5. In harmony

    In harmony

    My darling granddaughter :) Tempus Digital Scrapbooking Complete Collection by Rachel Jefferies and Lynn Grieveson
  6. Color Play April 2024

    Color Play April 2024

    I love the patterned paper in this kit. It's so pretty! https://www.oscraps.com/shop/A-Great-Day-Digiscrap-Kit-by-Vicki-Stegall.html
  7. Working on it

    Working on it

    Growth Can Be Hard Digital Scrapbooking Kit by Lynn Grieveson and Rachel Jefferies
  8. Emotions


    My darling granddaughter. Emotions Digital Scrapbooking Kit by Lynn Grieveson
  9. 2023 0709 The summerfly and I.jpg

    2023 0709 The summerfly and I.jpg

    This fly willingly posed for me & my camera. A temptation I couldn't resist.
  10. Trilo


    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Faded People Vol 3, FS-Light-Breeze, Linen, Maraja, Margaret, and Aine kits.


    Created with itKuPiLLi Imagenarium's "SHERBERT"
  12. Harold's Being and Idiot, Again

    Harold's Being and Idiot, Again

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Summer Safari kit
  13. Just Let Me Paint

    Just Let Me Paint

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s one-zee-22 mini kit.
  14. Green with Envy

    Green with Envy

  15. Caribell Christmas

    Caribell Christmas

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Darby kits.
  16. A Christmas Fish

    A Christmas Fish

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Mackendra kit.
  17. It All Started with a Tulip

    It All Started with a Tulip

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Painted Backgrounds vol 2, One-zee, savannah timepiece, Alisa, Messy Flowers, Rebecca Frames, buterflying-vol-02-butterfly, and Bridal Overlays Kits
  18. Aquaria


    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Underwater kit, with Tint Papers, Imagine, Chocolaty, Robyn’s Folly, Malaka, Jolt of Lightning, Erinn, Oil Canvas, Loaise, Linen, MacKenzie, Masked Ball, Mysterious Lights, Imperfect Backgrounds, and One-zee Kits.
  19. AnnaColor Challenge ending 07.07.2022.jpg

    AnnaColor Challenge ending 07.07.2022.jpg

    Kit Used: ArtPlay Ambages Collection by ANNA ASPNES DESIGNS Image - courtesy of Pixabay
  20. Of Courage

    Of Courage

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Spring Madness, and Birds of a Feather kits.