

  1. this moment

    this moment

    created with Art Crush 80 and Just Sayin by Joyful Heart Designs. https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Color-Crush-80-bundled.html https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Just-Sayin-one.html
  2. If I Had Wings

    If I Had Wings

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s fs-old-french-valentine and fs-thats-weird kits
  3. this moment

    this moment

    created with Whimsicality Fun Mix 1 and Whimsicality Papers 2 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Whimsicality-fun-mix-1.html https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Whimsicality-two.html
  4. life today

    life today

    created using Quarkie 1 and Catherine by Foxeysquirrel https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Quarkie-01-for-Elements-2024.html https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Catherine-Digital-Art-Kit-190-marg-01.html
  5. Love Buggle Balloon

    Love Buggle Balloon

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Quarkie-01 kit, along with freebie_background 2, Silent_Background-7, charlie-flower-7, 2, nest, tulle, framework-1, coloristic 4, tender-background-13
  6. A Girl Needs a Unicorn

    A Girl Needs a Unicorn

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Coloristic 3 kit
  7. Keep on the Sunny Side

    Keep on the Sunny Side

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Moon-rise and Coloristic 2 kits.
  8. Stardust Dreams

    Stardust Dreams

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Pinkie Promise kit, Oil-Canvas-Background-7, 10; Idelisa_Stars_1; make-me-an-angel-background-13 stars; Keavy_Stars; Aine_Stars 2, Aine_Cloud Outline; Winter_Mess_Stars; Cailin_Stars_Swirl; Heavens_Angels_Stars_2; Aisling_Splatter 9, Overlay 2; Alisa_Cloud...
  9. To Dream

    To Dream

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s fs-tint-paper-5, 11, 12; fs-coloristic kit; pinkie-promise kit; FS_freebie kit; fs-framework kit
  10. Sisters, Sisters

    Sisters, Sisters

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s fs-coloristic kit, fs-pinkie-promise kit, FS_freebie kit, fs-framework kit
  11. Trilo


    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Faded People Vol 3, FS-Light-Breeze, Linen, Maraja, Margaret, and Aine kits.
  12. Morroway


    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Faded People vol 3 and Darby kits.
  13. Thuez


    Made using foxeysquirrel’s fs-vintage-labels-vol-3-5, fs-faded-people-vol-2-1, fs-ripped-strips-02-strip-10
  14. Delirium


    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Groupie 07 Modern Art Bundle
  15. The Old Fisherman

    The Old Fisherman

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s background-builder-vol1, and expression-vol2.
  16. Lilianna


    Made using foxeysquirrel’s one-zee 19 and 20 kits.
  17. Comfort and Joy

    Comfort and Joy

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s One-Zee 18 minikit.
  18. Hansel


    Made using foxeysquirrel’s One-zee-17 and Magic Trick Kits
  19. Grandpa's and Grandma's Engagement Portrait

    Grandpa's and Grandma's Engagement Portrait

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s one-zee kits.
  20. Little Clown

    Little Clown

    Made using foxeysquirrel’s Kelpie Gals, FS-Modern-Jazz-2- Background, FS-Edgy-Overlay Kits, and foxeysquirrel butterflies