
#cozy christmas collab

  1. Day 7- Redo a Layout

    Day 7- Redo a Layout

    Cozy Christmas Oscraps Collab Mega Kit Photo: Pixabay
  2. DAY 3 - Word Art

    DAY 3 - Word Art

    Cozy Christmas Oscraps Collab Mega Kit Photo: Michael Pointner (Unsplash) Font: Giddyup Std
  3. Day 12_ The end of a great aventure !

    Day 12_ The end of a great aventure !

    Created with the collab of the event : "Cozy Christmas" and "Elfin Magic 2" by Lynne Anzelc & Cheryl Budden Photo Pixabay choose by BrightEyes
  4. Day12-SamePhoto.jpg


    Challenge to use the same photo as all participants.
  5. Wa Challenge with Cardinals

    Wa Challenge with Cardinals

    Join anke in the Wa Challenge! I use those lovely cardinals again. (I wish I could meet them in my walks in the Netherlands..) I duplicated the wa, gave them two colors with color overlay layer style and masked them.. I used the Color / saturation filter to got those red poinsettias pink
  6. Day 6 _ Christmas Lyrics

    Day 6 _ Christmas Lyrics

    Created with : "Tis the season" by Lynne Anzelc and the collab "Cozy Christmas" !