
#chall 2

  1. Tell me a fantastic storybook !

    Tell me a fantastic storybook !

    Created with : "Fantastical Steampunk" by itKuPiLLi Imagenarium and "Secret Garden" by Foxeysquirrel
  2. my first digi ATC

    my first digi ATC

    Created with : "Rusty Alley" & "Abandoned Papers-1" by itKuPiLLi imagenarium and ; "Simply Smitten" & "She's Got Grit" by Vicki Stegall
  3. Simple happiness

    Simple happiness

    Created with the Collaboration bundle : "Live Life" to participate at the challenge #2.
  4. Travel to Ireland

    Travel to Ireland

    Created with JoyfulHeart Designs : "Summer of Love" PP & Stamps & stuff & "Hello There ! " and Rachel Jefferies designs : "Stay Curious" and the collab : "School Of Life" with Lynne Anzelc (text) & Viva Artistry (alpha). Pictures Pixabay. For the Chall#2_CopyCat - tanteva -
  5. Surprise


    Challenge "border" with Sonja realized with Joyful Heart Designs : "Hello there " and Sarapullka Scraps : "Enjoy the Spring" & "Best company".