
brilliant moment

  1. The-Joker's-Wild-800.jpg


    I found this wondwerful photo on Pixabay and just couldn’t resist. The background is sp10 in Lighten mode over pp5 also in Lighten mode over photo of Venice with poster edges filter then posterized adjustment in Linear Light mode over pp9. I then added edge 3 and various paints and stamps, the...
  2. Bring-on-the-Clowns-800.jpg


    My sons at their first circus in 2003. Justin was 10 and hated clowns, Jason was 5 and a little overwhelmed! The background is pp11 rotated 90 degrees in Color Burn mode over pp1 flipped horizontally and add edge 5. Add elements, paint, and stamps. Clip photo to mask for circular frame, fill...