
bird refuge

  1. Storm-on-the-Peaks_SLK-WEB.jpg


    Storm on the San Francisco Peaks, Heart Prairie Preserve, Flagstaff, Arizona. Design elements by Anna Aspnes of =AT2ymuUvFJkmlmOrTAcGH98bA5TRVdXfLA3kpFirP3pbj0qsd2qSi8FWlVy95zVoqY05jdA7KiYR-W6BZ-cqUBW1ASHYa2ot1HDlIYP74p3YxgP7QGtgs37RVKNOBnWp_oZWCMF9Tdd58Q7GUSIYtTRWqEbmFFSGW4kcbm8']Oscraps.com...
  2. BRMBR Yellow-Headed Blackbird

    BRMBR Yellow-Headed Blackbird

    Remember those tense minutes at sunrise when we didn't know the locked refuge gate was on a timer. Five hundred miles. We'd always been there early and driven on in. That sunrise brought a beautiful day. Our best first-day surprises were two deer and a pair of sandhill cranes.