
anna aspnes artplay collection bouquet

  1. anna-aspnes-digital-scrapbook-artplay-collection-bouquet-pam-3-.jpg


    ArtPlay Bouquet Collection-on sale now process: I started with sp 1 as my base.I then clipped another paper to a FotoBlendz from the collection.After that I brought in some layers from FITP3F and began to build the image layers with images, layers from AK and AT.I used elements from the...
  2. anna-aspnes-digital-scrapbook-artplay-collection-bouquet-pam-2-.jpg


    Artplay Collection Bouquet on sale now process: I used solid paper 5 as the base.Then I placed MRTA-8_2 onto my page, deleting some layers and adjusting size.Below that I placed Bouquet Alt,again deleting some layers and adjusting sizes.I filled the mask layers of the MRTA with photos...
  3. anna-aspnes-digital-scrapbook-artplay-collection-bouquet-pam-1-.jpg


    Artplay Collection Bouquet new release on sale now process: I selected ap 2 flipped horizontally,then clipped my image to a FotoBlendz from the collection.I added some elements from the collection,mm,wordart and the date. The image was taken at the Ohio Theater,Junie and Dad Jacob went on a...