
aft designs

  1. Winter.jpg


    font used Scrapbooking
  2. Happy to be me.jpg

    Happy to be me.jpg

    Layout created using from AFT Designs Olivia bundle Blushed Sweet Days Kit font used Cursive Nice N New
  3. 2023 12 13 Grandmas love notes.jpg

    2023 12 13 Grandmas love notes.jpg

    For this challenge, I wanted to find a way to separate the bold pattern with the artsy/grunge pattern so I used the bright pink paper to kind of set things apart. Song lyric "Message In A Bottle" by The Police.
  4. April Challenge 4: poems

    April Challenge 4: poems

    3/22/2024 My new bird feeders at sunrise in our front yard. So peaceful. The Awakening Colours emerge from dark clay waving in the Spring wind, calling to you, singing, wake up slowly, wake up softly. Let Spring in- and feel her warmth, as she tenderly reveals change is here. The light is...
  5. April Challenge 1: Quote

    April Challenge 1: Quote

    This is Ember, my home office CCO: Chief Cuddle Officer.
  6. 20240307-Pepper-berries.jpg


  7. 23-09_O_September-2023-Challenge-#2---Heritage


    September 2023 Challenge #2 - Heritage https://oscraps.com/community/threads/september-2023-challenge-2-heritage.38148/#post-675254
  8. Picture of happiness

    Picture of happiness

    "Vellum Fancy" Kit by AFT Designs (I got this amazing Kit for free with purchase) Photo: Pixabay