
#52 inspirations 2023

  1. All is green in march

    All is green in march

    Created with : "52 inspirations 2023 -mix of designers" + "Plantable" by Foxeysquirrel
  2. Christa's coffee !

    Christa's coffee !

    Created with : "52 inspirations 2023": Erin-MdeGroot-Lorie Davison-Lynn Grieveson_Vicki Stegall to create a page chosen from Christa's gallery and use coffee as the main theme. Pictures Unsplash & Pixabay
  3. Come as you are

    Come as you are

    Created for the challenge "Recipe". I transformed a Joanne's QP in a template to realize the page. Using only : "52 inspirations 2023" with Joanne Brisebois & Foxeysquirrel & DayDream designs & Lorie Davison & Sweet Doll & JoyfulHeart & Maya de Groot.
  4. Be true to you

    Be true to you

    Created with : "52 inspirations 2023" N° 20 - 40 - 14 - 27 -23 - 6. Picture by Kleebatt
  5. my survival juice

    my survival juice

  6. caffeine queen

    caffeine queen

  7. OCT-Template-Challenge


  8. Coffee!!


    This week's 52 Inspirations goodie!!! Shop the 52 Inspirations
  9. Bumbleflies


  10. We are free

    We are free

    Created with Joyful Designs (JHD), using : "Grunge Fiti" & "Beauty grunge - stamps and stuff" and "52 inspirations 2023" N° 03-05-10-20-21-23-28
  11. Sadness & Grief

    Sadness & Grief

    Created For The August 2023 : Challenge #3 : Occasions & Themes : Featuring : An Everyday Challenge Of Your Life ***SENSITIVE SUBJECT MATTER ~ ABOUT LOSS,GRIEF & CANCER*** this information is very personal...& I will not be posting this on my FB page...only here *** Hi! there Everyone...Feels...
  12. Inspiration


    Created with : "52 inspirations 2021" and "52 inspirations 2023" for the "Chall#6_52Inspitations". Designers : Vicki Stegall, MdeGroot, Idgie, Foxeysquirrel, Rachel Jefferies and DaydreamsDesigns