
Search results

  1. digiscrapper

    Comment by 'digiscrapper' in media 'Sept-AJ.jpg'

    Your page took me as a surprise, as I also have Ehlers-Danlos along with another auto immune disease. All my life I knew things were different for me, but I wasn't diagnosed until 2003, when it was still a very, very rare disease. I am glad to see there is a lot of knowledge about it now, and a...
  2. Ocean Child.jpg

    Ocean Child.jpg

    The first surf day in Costa Rica. By Anna Aspnes: Travel Template Album 1 Artsy TransferLateritious 2 Beach Word Art Mix 4 Sea Sprinkles No 3 APP Plage APP Paraiso Sun by Kristy Valshan Surfer Sand and Surfer Wood by Maya deGroot
  3. Costa Rica 2

    Costa Rica 2

    Such a simple page that evokes the imagination. The crew finally gets to Costa Rico and one of them takes this very simple photo of a boat wake during the golden hour. Where did the boat come from? Where is it going? What type of boat? Who is in it? I duplicated the rectangular photo so I could...
  4. digiscrapper

    Comment by 'digiscrapper' in media 'AnnaColor-Anzac-Day.jpg'

    I love it when the photos are the focus on this stunning background.
  5. Costa Rica Cover page

    Costa Rica Cover page

    The cover page for the chapter on Costa Rica for my son's annual book. I started with Anna Aspnes MonthinReview9B, rotated. It seemed to be the best template to use to show the stunning sunset. I used a Multi-Media Sun 3, and Watercolor Palm Trees, both by Anna to fill an empty space.
  6. Millenials Rock pg 3.jpg

    Millenials Rock pg 3.jpg

    A group of millenials pretending to be rock and roll stars from the 1960s,early 1970s. But I was there back then and our clothes were cooler, our hair longer and our skirts shorter.
  7. digiscrapper

    Comment by 'digiscrapper' in media 'Millennials Rock Group'

    Thank you for the Standing O for this page. I have more pages coming covering this event. Anna's release of the Music Value Pack 1 was perfect timing for working on these pages
  8. Millennials Rock Group

    Millennials Rock Group

    Photos of Millennials acting like life was in the 60s and 70s. But we were better dressed and our hair was longer.
  9. Millennials Rock 2

    Millennials Rock 2

    Photos of Millennials acting like life was in the 60s and 70s. But we were better dressed and our hair was longer.
  10. digiscrapper

    Comment by 'digiscrapper' in media 'Taylor 3.jpg'

    The journaling you mention in your kind reviews was written my a journalist from Time Magazine. I mentioned the copyright on page one and two of the series. It was very well written and the photos included in that Time article were stunning. I have since completed two more pages that I did not...
  11. Taylor 3.jpg

    Taylor 3.jpg

    Memories of Taylor Swift's Era Tour All Anna Aspnes Text copyright Time magazine
  12. Taylor-1.jpg


    Documenting the era of Taylor Swift's most recent tour, which was attended by my son and his fiance. Anna Aspnes' Wordy FotoBlendz Template Album No 1 was used
  13. Taylor-2.jpg


    Documenting the era of Taylor Swift's most recent tour, which was attended by my son and his fiance. Anna Aspnes' Wordy FotoBlendz Template Album No 1 was used
  14. Cody's Set it Off. Pg 1 Anna Lift

    Cody's Set it Off. Pg 1 Anna Lift

    Scenes from a rock and roll tour of Europe by a band located in Las Vegas, CA, Set It Off. All from Anna Aspnes: MusicWordTransfers1_Concert B top background from ArtPlayPalette Concerto_ArtsyPaper2.jpg All the rest from ArtPlayPalette RockStar
  15. Set It Off Pg 2 Anna Lift

    Set It Off Pg 2 Anna Lift

    A collage of people and things relating to a European Tour of Set It Off. I used the Select Background tool for the group of four at the top right. All items on the page came from Anna's Art Play Palatte Rock Star.
  16. Beer on the Boat.jpg

    Beer on the Boat.jpg

    A fun day of water sports in Brazil. Most by Anna Aspnes: template, elements and overlays. Practicing Extractions from Anna's recent extraction class. Arrow on map by Gina Cabrera
  17. Rain in the Rainforest. copy.jpg

    Rain in the Rainforest. copy.jpg

    A group of Los Angeles residents near the equator and headwaters of the Amazon for a destination wedding in Belem, Brazil
  18. digiscrapper

    Comment by 'digiscrapper' in media 'rain-dance-aft-designs.jpg'

    Beautiful! She's so happy being in the rain!
  19. Cookie Contest

    Cookie Contest

    All by Anna Aspnes: Artsy Layered Template 170 MultiMediaBaked1_1 Taste SugarWordART1_13