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  1. D

    Comment by 'digit' in media 'Christmas 07'

    Beautiful page!
  2. D

    Comment by 'digit' in media 'A year'

    This is so great in every way!
  3. Watching...


    Each Chrtistmas eve we sit down with the extended family and watch the Chrismas Tree and the twinkling lights and enjoy the time together. 2008 was DS's first christmas where he really took it in. I am planning on making this a hybrid page and adding the title once I habe printed it out...
  4. Christmas Traditions

    Christmas Traditions

    I LOVE the Shine On Kits by Taylormadedesigns. Christmas day is always at DH parents place and in Australia it is normally stinking hot - so DS has a great time playing with the hose. Template from Katie Pertiet - Posted Memories All the rest is from Shine On by TMD