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  1. Retro Revival

    Retro Revival

    Created with Retro Revival by Joyce Paul Designs, part of the March 2025 Color Play Collection.
  2. Cherylndesigns

    Comment by 'Cherylndesigns' in media 'March 25 Aj Challenge Week 4'

    This is fantastic, Susie! Love that house in the background, the bee and all of artsy bits that you added. Great Week 4 page!!
  3. Cherylndesigns

    Comment by 'Cherylndesigns' in media 'Fragments of Time'

    Thanks, Debby. Cam was SO cute that day, wanting to dance with me. Wonderful memories!
  4. Cherylndesigns

    Comment by 'Cherylndesigns' in media 'Bloom {Alyssa}'

    Thanks so much, Debby. Alyssa never wears a dress, but she wore it beautifully for her graduation last May.
  5. Bloom {Alyssa}

    Bloom {Alyssa}

    Created with Bloom - by natali design, part of the March Color Play at Oscraps.
  6. Cherylndesigns

    I have a new little kitchen Buddy...

    I can't unsee this. :hiding1: I agree with Eva @tanteva - spider and adorable do not go together.
  7. Cherylndesigns

    My faery house book is finished!

    That's fantastic, Chris!!:dancingbfly::dancingbfly:
  8. Cherylndesigns

    Sad News

    I'm so sorry to hear this, Kay. Sending hugs to you and your family. :hug1::hug3:
  9. Cherylndesigns


    I crocheted for years. My mom taught me how and I was a crochet nut. I have made several throws and unfortunately don't have any pictures handy. I'll have to see if I can dig some of them up.
  10. Cherylndesigns

    Comment by 'Cherylndesigns' in media 'Fragments of Time'

    Thanks so much - this is one of my all time favorite pictures. :heartpumpred: :heartpumpred:
  11. Cherylndesigns

    Comment by 'Cherylndesigns' in media 'A Change in Perception {Week 4 AJ}'

    Thank you so much for this honor!! I'm just thrilled.
  12. Cherylndesigns

    Comment by 'Cherylndesigns' in media 'A Change in Perception {Week 4 AJ}'

    I'm glad you did because I didn't get notified. Thanks so much. I was thrilled to see your comment.
  13. Cherylndesigns

    Comment by 'Cherylndesigns' in media 'Ataraxia'

    Thanks so much, Jenn!!! :heartpumpred::heartpumpred:
  14. Fragments of Time

    Fragments of Time

    Created with Fragments of Time by Palvinka Designs - part of the March Color Play Collection at Oscraps.
  15. Fragments of Time {Alyssa}

    Fragments of Time {Alyssa}

    Created with Fragments of Time by Palvinka Designs - part of the March Color Play Collection at Oscraps.
  16. Cherylndesigns

    Comment by 'Cherylndesigns' in media '{Asher} Challenge #2'

    Thanks so much, Marilyn. Yes, we were all astounded at that head of hair. He was the cutest little guy, ever. I'm so happy that you liked my page.
  17. Cherylndesigns

    Comment by 'Cherylndesigns' in media 'Bloom'

    Thank you so much, Debby. They are SO happy!
  18. Cherylndesigns

    It's Color Play Wednesday!

    The last blog post for February Color Play is live on the blog: https://oscraps.com/its-color-play-wednesday-49/
  19. Cherylndesigns

    Comment by 'Cherylndesigns' in media 'Full of Life'

    Thanks for your sweet comments, Laura. What a great collection this is.
  20. Bloom


    Created with Bloom - by natali design, part of the March Color Play at Oscraps.