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  1. pretty as a picture

    pretty as a picture

    CREDITS: Lawanna Desjardin Fresh Bliss kit @ Oscraps stitch from Lilac sunshine kit staple from Simple romance kit Others: postage strip by Katie Pertiet corner fold by Theresa Kavouras template by Jen Caputo
  2. C

    Comment by 'caryl2twenty' in media 'Remember'

    love the colors of this and such a precious photo to scrap... :)
  3. silly and funny

    silly and funny

    My silly and funny DS :) CREDITS: Amy Bleser: Almost all from Little Man Kit "silly" "funny" tape words from B3 kit On an Angle template#3 (rotated) -- all available @ ACOT Lawanna Desjardin: stitch star from Sons & Fathers kit zigzag stitch from Simple...
  4. iloveyou


    My DS! :) Journalling: Nobody else like him, he's unique -- this one. How fortunate we are that he is our son. Credits: Simple Romance kit by LaWanna Desjardin available @ Oscraps Chocolate action on photo by Photoblast Font: Carpenter