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  1. Angelclaud

    Angelclaud ArtRoom – New Release: Fun Packed Journey

    I’ll be going on a holiday to Hong Kong on the first week of August. We’re all so excited to go. This trip is quite special because I’m taking my daughter to Disneyland. Not surprisingly, this week’s new release is a travel-themed template. You have the chance to buy Fun Packed Journey Template...
  2. Angelclaud

    Angelclaud ArtRoom - New Release: Memory Keeper v3

    Preserve your summer fun with Memory Keeper v3 Template. If you’re like me and always take more than enough photos during holidays, you’ll have enough photo space to showcase them with this multiple photos template. Memory Keeper v3 Template is available at 25% off throughout the weekend.
  3. Angelclaud

    Angelclaud ArtRoom - New Release: Swim Like a Mermaid

    Summer’s an awesome time to go swimming or go to the beach. Hopefully my new release this week: Swim Like a Mermaid Template, can give you inspiration to scrap all those water photos. As usual, all my new releases are on 25% new release sale throughout the weekend.
  4. Angelclaud

    Angelclaud ArtRoom - Anniversary Sale: 40% Off

    This 27th, my husband and I will be celebrating our 10th anniversary. We’re celebrating by taking a short trip to Bandung (a city 2 hours away from Jakarta). So no new release this week, but instead, enjoy 40% off my store.
  5. Angelclaud

    New Release: Summer Sunshine by Angelclaud ArtRoom

    My daughter’s watching Barbie and a Mermaid Tale recently and this song just kept on repeating in my mind. It’s a fun, upbeat song and with summer coming up and vacation, I got inspired to make this Summer-themed template. Summer Sunshine Template is currently available at 25% off throughout the...
  6. Angelclaud

    New Release: Exotic Pets

    Thanks girls!
  7. Angelclaud

    New Release: Exotic Pets

    Pets are so dear and special to human. I was watching some very cute pet videos and got the inspiration to create a pet theme template. Hope that this template will inspire you to scrap about your pet and share their cuteness with us all. I have truly enjoyed reading about my CT’s pets and look...
  8. Angelclaud

    If a Mum sung Frozen...

    I love it too!!! "I said no, and now you ask me why." That's absolutely my daughter's favorite word now. "Why!!!" Do this....why? Do that......why" Because I said so!!!!!
  9. Angelclaud

    Angelclaud ArtRoom – New Release and FWP Bundle

    Summer Holiday's coming soon!!! Any special holiday plan? In the middle of all the summer activities, don't forget to find time to rest and relax. Rest and Relax Template by Angelclaud ArtRoom is available at Oscraps for 25% off. Additionally from May 29th to Jun 1st, you can purchase the...
  10. Angelclaud

    Comment by 'Angelclaud' in media 'So lOvely'

    Love the background of brushes and very cute photo!
  11. Angelclaud

    Comment by 'Angelclaud' in media 'At the Zoo'

    So cool how you use the rectangle shape to "cut" through the page. Very pretty clustering too!
  12. Angelclaud

    Angelclaud ArtRoom - New Release: Au Naturale and Photo Masks

    New release from Angelclaud ArtRoom: Au Naturale Template. Spring has always been a favorite season of mine. The weather’s not too hot and not too cold and all the beautiful flowers and plants are blooming. It’s the perfect time to go out and enjoy nature. Au Naturale Template is available at...
  13. Water World

    Water World

    Au Naturale Template by Angelclaud ArtRoom http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=10008758&cat=735&page=1 Quirky Self - Full Kit by Courtney's Designs http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=10008645&cat=754&page=2
  14. Angelclaud

    Comment by 'Angelclaud' in media 'Writing'

    Love the paint/brushwork so fun and absolutely captured the writing/scribbling/pencil-feel, if you know what I mean.
  15. Angelclaud

    Hi from Germany

    Hi Gina, welcome to Oscraps!!! Most of us are digital scrapbooking addict too! Hehehe.
  16. Angelclaud

    Hello from Virginia

    Welcome to Oscraps Leslie!
  17. Angelclaud

    Hi from Courtney

    Love your designs and welcome to Oscraps!
  18. Angelclaud

    Comment by 'Angelclaud' in media 'April in my Garden'

    The smaller cluster adorn your photo and frame perfectly!
  19. Angelclaud

    Comment by 'Angelclaud' in media 'Liara'

    Oh wow Cynthia! This is absolutely gorgeous! Love the flower brush and how you tilted the clustering.