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  1. Nickel

    Sad News

    Really sorry to hear this. My deepest condolences to you and your family!
  2. Nickel

    My faery house book is finished!

    Stunning! I also don't have that much patience!
  3. Nickel

    Comment by 'Nickel' in media 'Jornaling-cvhallenge-PS.jpg'

    Dank je wel! Solleveld ligt tussen Den Haag(Kijkduin de zuidelijk gelegen badplaats van Den Haag) en Monster. https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solleveld
  4. Nickel

    Comment by 'Nickel' in media 'Art-Addicts.jpg'

    tHANK YOU!
  5. Nickel

    March Challenge #1 - Journaling

    Thank you for the challenge! I love to practice Indesign with these kind of challenges! I love to report my hiking adventures. I made a book last year but I didn't remember much of the why of the hiking's.
  6. Jornaling-cvhallenge-PS.jpg


    Made for the journalism Challenge! I took the chance to practice in Indesign because I love a good aligned text with columns. I also love the clipping path feature with text wrap. The elements cluster I made in Photshop Beta The text in Dutchbut is a report of a Saturday walk in a dune area.
  7. Nickel

    Sad News

    I'm sorry for your loss! Condolences to you and your family!
  8. Nickel

    Comment by 'Nickel' in media 'Art-Addicts.jpg'

  9. Nickel

    March Challenge #6 - Tic Tac Toe

    Thanks for hosting this challenge I used the Middle row Butterfly title Star
  10. Art-Addicts.jpg


    Made for the tic tac toe challenge. Used the middle row: Butterfly - Title - Star Glad that I finally got this awesome kit!
  11. Nickel

    March Challenge #7 - MultiPhoto Challenge

    Thank you for the challenge!
  12. etd_dailystories_pap-(10).jpg


    Made for the Multi photo Challenge with et Designs Color Play release 50% off until tonight! after being locked down in 2020 the amazing spring weather gave us (my friend Jeannette and I) an idea to drink some coffee together outside. The bars were closed so Jeanette made some (outstanding...
  13. Nickel

    February Challenge #4 - 52 Inspirations

    Thank you for the Challenge!
  14. ldavi-Beloved-background-6c.jpg


    Made for the 52 Inspirations Challenge. When I saw Sarapulka's deer I immediately got an 2025 subscription.
  15. Nickel

    Comment by 'Nickel' in media 'Scraps of Life'

    Love how you made art of those scraps! In other words: Fabulous!
  16. Nickel

    GOOD NEWS!!!!

    Great news!
  17. Nickel

    February Challenge #1 - Color Play

    Thank you for the fun challenge! I used Ludic kit by Anita designs
  18. Uitjes-met-Loes-2020.jpg


    Made for the Color play challenge. I started it s a lay out for the 2020 challenge but I forgot to read propely and overlook the fact that template weren't allowed.. I took Jimbo Jambos 2022 templates and changed the last "2"in a "0". Translation Journaling: "After March 2020 everything was...