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  1. paulajo

    Comment by 'paulajo' in media 'Hello Surprise'

    This is just stunning with the blending. What grabbed me as I looked at it was her big eyes! She is beautiful!
  2. paulajo

    Comment by 'paulajo' in media 'AnnaLift (10.12.12-10.18.12)'

    This IS stunning! I love the way the young girl's eyes are peering out from behind the leaf! Just beautiful!
  3. paulajo

    Comment by 'paulajo' in media 'AnnaLift: (10.12.12 - 10.18.12)'

    This is lovely Tori. The photo is so eye-catching and the whole composition very pleasing!
  4. paulajo

    Comment by 'paulajo' in media 'Kisses To You.'

    Tori, I love the photo treatment and the neutral colors of this LO...great new Artplay Palette
  5. paulajo

    Comment by 'paulajo' in media 'Goodbye Fall-Anna Challenge 10.18.12'

    The photo just pops out of the page because of the rest being monotones! Lovely photo and beautiful page, Heather.
  6. paulajo

    Comment by 'paulajo' in media 'Elsie Lee'

    You should see her now! She just turned 1 a month ago. She has these darling little pigtails sticking straight up and is walking all over the place! LOL
  7. paulajo

    Comment by 'paulajo' in media 'AnnaLift 09.20.12'

    I love the textures too. There is such great composition and the photo is lovely!
  8. Elsie Lee

    Elsie Lee

    A good friend of mine has the cutest baby girl. I asked if I could play with some photos of her and this is what I came up with.
  9. paulajo

    Comment by 'paulajo' in media 'Moment'

    This is beautiful...love the photo treatment!
  10. paulajo

    Comment by 'paulajo' in media 'reach.........'

    This is so lovely and soft! Wonderful photos! And by the way Donna...I love that you were highlighted in the Fall issue of Somerset Digital Studio. Couldn't have asked for a better issue with you, Adryane, Anna, and Chris! wow...blown away!!!!
  11. paulajo

    Comment by 'paulajo' in media '1000 I Love yous'

    Heather, this journaling is so heartfelt and real...thanks for sharing. Sometimes we are in such a hurry we don't stop to really listen! I'm so glad you did! Hope things are better now. And BTW, the page is beautiful!
  12. paulajo

    Comment by 'paulajo' in media 'First step'

    Krisztina: This is sooo cute! I love how you kept his face/head regular and changed the rest of his body. Super way to create this LO.
  13. paulajo

    Comment by 'paulajo' in media 'Clown'

    I love your processing too and the photo is such a sweet moment to remember. What is the artisan notebook?
  14. paulajo

    Comment by 'paulajo' in media 'Salzburg'

    Love how you treated the photo! I am envious of you being from Salzburg. One of my fav places when I traveled in Europe many years ago!
  15. paulajo

    Comment by 'paulajo' in media 'The Meeting Place'

    I think a random album of your visit to Chicago matches the way you did it so go for it! I love the artsy, colorful way you created this LO! Way to go!
  16. paulajo

    Comment by 'paulajo' in media 'Character | AnnaLift 8.24.12-8.30.12'

    Yes, I love your photo treatment too. It almost looks like a mini LO on top of a bigger LO. Just stunning...
  17. paulajo

    Comment by 'paulajo' in media 'morning 'routine''

    I love the processing of your photo also, Donna. What is the font you used?
  18. paulajo

    Comment by 'paulajo' in media 'Sketchbook'

    Krisztina: This is truly a work of art with lots of love! Thanks for sharing. I would love to have you write up a basic tutorial, not necessarily step by step but just sharing some of your tips for making these gorgeous pages. Like photo tips, brushes you used, things like that!
  19. paulajo

    Comment by 'paulajo' in media 'Budapest'

    I agree with ViVre! Please share how you did this!
  20. paulajo

    Comment by 'paulajo' in media 'HummingBird'

    Donna, I love the way the stacked frames (papers) lead the eye right up to the beautiful focal point! Wow...is all I can say. And thanks for the card idea!