
Search results

  1. Spotting...


    Credits: Template by Scrap Irene Scrappy mini kit by ForeverJoy Designs
  2. Sweet Girl...

    Sweet Girl...

    Made with the Collab kit The Sweet Life by Scrapable.co
  3. S

    Comment by 'saskias' in media 'to my digifriends (dec24)'

    WOW This is really awesome!!!
  4. S

    Comment by 'saskias' in media 'autumn memories'

    fantastic! what a stunning page!
  5. My baby...

    My baby...

    Templatepack Scrapping Geek designed by Scrap-a-holic Designs http://scrapable.co/store/Scrapping-Geek.html Kit: Pink Romance by Mediterranka Design Photo: My little girl
  6. Love You...

    Love You...

    Templatepack Green like Nature by Jessica Art Design: http://www.digi-boutik.com/boutique/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=3&products_id=2980 Wordart Some Moments by Jessica Art Design...
  7. A piece of happiness...

    A piece of happiness...

    Template: A Piece of Happiness of Jessica Art Design http://www.digi-boutik.com/boutique/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=22_166&products_id=2977 Kit: A Walk on the Beach by cre@ bisontine
  8. A piece of happiness...

    A piece of happiness...

    Template: A Piece of Happiness of Jessica Art Design http://www.digi-boutik.com/boutique/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=22_166&products_id=2977 Kit: A Walk on the Beach by cre@ bisontine
  9. A piece of happiness...

    A piece of happiness...

    Template: A Piece of Happiness of Jessica Art Design http://www.digi-boutik.com/boutique/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=22_166&products_id=2977 Kit: A Walk on the Beach by cre@ bisontine