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  1. Cath

    Creative Cloud Photoshop 2023 will not launch---pulling my hair out

    update to norton 360... somehow screwed up cc from loading and windows update ... help. it wont unistall says something missing, rinstall gets script security eerrror. anty one else
  2. Cath

    An old listing of designers and the stores they are in...

    i so love reference type things like that. . i used to collect info like that... sad... change of computers, moving off to make room, i have no idea where most of my things are little Red Scraps (Jane Shaver) and Mad Genius Designs (Jewel Goodwin ), did a daily christmas kit, that started me...
  3. Cath

    UPDATE Gallery Guidelines - Updated January 2025

    update read, and understood
  4. Cath

    AI For Scrapbooking Fun

    i would have said the pink flower was elevated
  5. Cath

    Please welcome A Whimsical Adventure back to Oscraps!

    you leaving other sites?
  6. Cath

    welcome my old friend

    welcome my old friend
  7. Cath

    Digi Scrapper from loooooooooong ago! ♥

    oh my, i never thought i would ever see your typing again. wished our old site was what it was with you and dardy. still have the 3 hole punch action you wrote for me, and things from your really old blog. Sorry about your Mom, my mom been gone since 93, and lost my downs sister, at age 58 in...
  8. Cath

    Please welcome Joyce Paul Designs to Oscraps!

    welcome Joyce ... we go back alongtime.
  9. Cath


    did yoy search on cleaning thumbnail cache
  10. Cath

    Do We Want to Continue?

    did you see Diane's products https://www.oscraps.com/shop/digital-scrapbooking-designs-by-ADB-Designs/?sort=
  11. Cath

    Please welcome ADB Designs as Oscraps' new Guest Designer!

    Hello old friend.. been with y0u all over since 2010 or so. wish you could tell me what i have. today my drives are in red, and i hit limit in outlook. no unzip in 7 years. to many puters/os, run out space move things off, and unknown where they went. some old corrupted, made looking farther...
  12. Cath

    Who else remembers the FUN days of DST - Digi Shop Talk?!

    This is great for members and designers too. better thin a intro. Like 'who were you back in the day , when digi scrapping was so so popular.....
  13. Cath

    Who else remembers the FUN days of DST - Digi Shop Talk?!

    found this, me and my sister in 1997 i did for ct https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=190655477634918&set=o.134084883269369 is acot still around surprised she didnt mention how my shadows not right
  14. Cath

    Who else remembers the FUN days of DST - Digi Shop Talk?!

    yes i was.. so sorry about your loss, i so can relate, my baby sister with downs passed at age of 58 july 1. 2021, and it just took my interest in life away.
  15. Cath

    Who else remembers the FUN days of DST - Digi Shop Talk?!

    me too, nothing in gallery, but found some forum things i posted for her back in 2011
  16. Cath

    Do you spent much time on your mobile phone?

    I don't use phone for web or calls. i only play cafeland world kitchen, my phone showed a motivation of weekly report... was on the game 80 hours. Sure wonder the weekly hours on farmvillle back then, miss that, had 80 farms to jump to, not just one café
  17. Cath

    Stuck in my Head for 40 years

    no a movie, but the song 867-5309 Jenny, from the 80's does
  18. Cath

    How do you find things in your stash?

    i just drag http bar to folder, for link to store