
Search results

  1. janedee

    First snow

    I couldn’t believe how hard it was snowing there @scrap-genie . So far we've just had a dusting but I’ve been watching the snow line creeping down the mountains across from us. Every day without snow is a bonus right now!
  2. janedee

    Free Association

  3. janedee

    ABC of food or drinks

    R - Risotto
  4. janedee

    Game: Who knows??

    As You Wish - The Princess Bride "Big mistake. Big. Huge. I have to go shopping now"
  5. janedee

    What is your favorite classic movie?

    Dr. Zhivago and Gone with the Wind are two of my faves.
  6. janedee

    Deciduus (no, not a typo …!)

    Beautiful” collection!
  7. Every Day Magic

    Every Day Magic

    The granddaughters at the park
  8. janedee

    ABC of food or drinks

    L - leeks
  9. janedee

    ABC's of Destinations

    P - Pula
  10. janedee

    ABC of Books

    S - A Short Walk Through a Wide World by Douglas Westerbeke
  11. janedee

    If You Had a Choice and Could Do It, Where Would You Live?

    This topic keeps coming up in conversation around our house lately. I’ve always loved where we live but it has become very touristy and busy, not to mention super hot in the summer, so we are on the hunt - possibly Vancouver Island. I love it there. The temperatures are much more temperate, the...
  12. At the Dentist

    At the Dentist

  13. janedee

    ABC of Books

    I, Robot by Isaac Asimov
  14. janedee

    What's for dinner?

    We're going away on Sunday, so I'm just trying to use up what was in the fridge - tonight is roasted veg (potatoes, onions, cauliflower and zucchini) with barbecued fish that was in the freezer.
  15. janedee

    Were you a paper scrapper......................

    I paper scrapped first for about seven years. At first I scrapped on the dining room table and had to drag everything out each day, then we moved into our current house and I had an office/scraproom. I really went to town at that point stocking up on supplies, some of which I still have ...
  16. janedee

    ABC of food or drinks

    N - Nasi Goreng
  17. janedee

    ABC of Books

    Emma by Jane Austen
  18. janedee

    June Color Play is here

    With Just Add Water by Lynn Grieveson
  19. janedee

    Comment by 'janedee' in media '24-06_lgrieveson-just-add-water'

    I love how you've accented the photo with the side border clusters.