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  1. N

    Comment by 'nannette' in media 'easter-sunday'

    Wat heb jij Pasen prachtig verwoord in beeld ViVre! Z ontzettend knap. Je raakt 't allemaal net op de goede plek!
  2. N

    Comment by 'nannette' in media 'Secret things'

    Wow! This is truly stunning! Great page!
  3. N

    Comment by 'nannette' in media 'birthday'

    Prachtig! Die dromerige foto en de rose accenten maken het helemaal af!
  4. N

    Comment by 'nannette' in media 'I Love You This Big'

    Wow! This photo is truly gorgeous!
  5. N

    Comment by 'nannette' in media 'kiss me'

    Such beautiful page! Truly amazing and soooo original! I'm also in the lift from Karla ... It's my very first time to do something like this and it's kind of exciting! But like Vivre said, you rock the original! You've used also a beautiful kit from Karla, fits perfect to your layout! See you there!
  6. N

    Another hello from Holland!

    It feels like coming home with all dose warming welcome words, thanks you so much! It's pretty difficult to see how everything works because of the language barier. But I will succeed, right?
  7. N

    Comment by 'nannette' in media '35 semaines bis'

    Wow! This photo is stunning, fitts perfect!
  8. N

    Comment by 'nannette' in media 'love'n aunt emily'

    Beautiful done! I'l love how you 'colored'(?) the photo to the colors of the papers and elements
  9. N

    Another hello from Holland!

    Hi erveryone, My english isn't the best, excuse me for that! I was already active on the site behind screens but I'll guess it's time to peek a boo, ha, ha! Hope to learn a lot here!
  10. N

    Hi from the Netherlands

    Hee Jeannette! We know each other from een other site but also a warm welcome here at oscraps!
  11. Sweet


    Look at this! Made with the very first and brandnew kit called 'Retroshopping' by Mo&Mo Studio! A real winner!! Other credits: template, splash and round brush by Sue Cummings WA Sweet and heart by Three Paper Peonies Sweet in background by Joyce Paul designs
  12. N

    Comment by 'nannette' in media 'album frontcover 2011'

    Just perfect! A pretty good start ....
  13. N

    Comment by 'nannette' in media 'Delftware (Delfts blauw)'

    Ach een hollands commentaatje is ook niet gek op zo'n oer-hollands product! Je hebt 't weer waar gemaakt ... de kleur, de toonzetting, de eenvoud ...! Een toppertje! Alweer, zucht ....