
Search results

  1. Innocence


    I used the Fresh and Funky Trevor Kit by Victoria Feemster and Faith True. There are so many great elements in this kit that is was hard not to use them all. It is available at www.oneofakindscrapz.com Font is The King and Queen Scraplifted from Andrea C...
  2. Out Golfing

    Out Golfing

    Everything is from Fresh and Funky Kit Hayden by Victoria Feemster and Faith True. It is a great collection with amazing elements. Available at www.oneofakindscrapz.com Journal label by Michelle Underwood. Fonts: Pea Jane and Too much Paper!
  3. Fun Times

    Fun Times

    Staple and stitching are from Victoria Feemster's Esteem kit and everything else is from her After Hours City Chick kit. Very bright and fun kit with great elements. Available at One of a Kind Scrapz!