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  1. Joni_va

    Comment by 'Joni_va' in media 'Read & Relax'

    Oh this is a treasure. I have 2 Grandsons and they will be it for me!! I cannot imagine how her heart must have felt at that moment, so sad but so happy with those children around her. How very precious. Children always have "their little way" of making life better no matter what...
  2. Joni_va

    Are you a Veteran??

    How Neat!! This even brought me out because I want to thank EACH of you for serving in our Armed Forces and Protecting Us, as Americans. WOW! There are a LOAD of Vets here. This is incredible. I am extremely proud to be among you ladies. Thank You So Much.... I am the middle daughter...
  3. Joni_va

    Early Release Day from Blythe Evans!

    Blythe, From what I've seen, ALL of your designs are amazingly beautiful. You are extremely talented, as are many women here... Hugs, Joni
  4. Joni_va

    Want Free Stuff?

    LOL Blythe!! I see that it says I can't see the links............but I do see one! Hugs!
  5. Joni_va

    White Space QP Albums on SALE!

    Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhh, I LOVE "white space"!! Hugs!
  6. Joni_va

    I'm Retiring my Shoppe

    Hi Amy! It's been ages since I've had the chance to say "Hi" and now it's also "Bye"? Wishing you luck on your endeavors....... Big Hugs GF!
  7. Joni_va

    OOOh La La you are beauitful!!

    I am sure I would love it/them if I could see them!! LOL! Hugs!
  8. Joni_va

    Do you like getting presents?!!!! I like GIVING them!!!

    Since I'm JUST getting going here, I can't read a thing yet!! LOL! Hugs!