
Search results

  1. B

    Comment by 'bjc' in media 'proud'

    love this . can you tell me what you did to the photo...love the treatment and would love to know how to do this
  2. B

    Comment by 'bjc' in media 'concrete angel'

    wonderful and congrats on your digi dare win ..very deserving..love that photo ..she is beautiful and you captured her perfectly
  3. B

    Comment by 'bjc' in media 'Fairies'

    great blending and wonderful photo
  4. B

    Comment by 'bjc' in media 'digi dare'

    beautiful page and congrats on the digi dare win...
  5. B

    Comment by 'bjc' in media 'This is my sweet heart'

    amazing..wonderful..fun layout..wondering if you can share the fonts you used? and the how to do the sketch
  6. B

    Comment by 'bjc' in media 'If Walls could Talk'

    this is definately a winner...just went to check the digidare and saw your link and just had to tell you wowie awesome..love the fonts you used, love the negative space...and just love how you interpreted the theme with all those frames