
Search results

  1. Porte St. Denis, Paris

    Porte St. Denis, Paris

    Framing a painting by Christa Kieffer Painting 'Porte St. Denis' by Christa Kieffer Russet paper by Papermoon, Vintage Damask Red paper and bow by Rebecca Lynn, From This Day On Gold ornament and black paper by me.
  2. Toboganning


    My husband and fellow students from Wings of Healing in Portland OR during a trip to Salmon ID in 1950. Pam LeFors Designs - ~Winters Freshest paper (negative effect) ~Flower from Winters Freshest AOP ~Oddsnends5 Paper (negative effect) ~Elizabeth - journal tag ~'Trees, snow, mountain'...
  3. Summer's Last Blossoms

    Summer's Last Blossoms

    Photos: Jan Murphy, from her garden Template: Sarah Meyer @ gottapixel.com Papers used (layer-blended): Sincerely Yours kit - Jan Hosford Happy Motherday freebie from Graziela Mendes Pretty Papers freebie from Misty Cato Raspberry Ice freebie from MaryseVincent Spring Papers freebie...
  4. Indiana Jones

    Indiana Jones

    Done for a PSP group challenge. Tube provided, courtesy odysseyart. Kit: Eastern Spice by JulieO at stoneaccents.blogspot.com
  5. J

    Comment by 'jab' in media 'Fall Harvest Festival'

    WOW! Thanks everyone for your encouragement. I really appreciate your comments on my LO. It means a lot to me.
  6. J

    Comment by 'jab' in media 'Beautiful Autumn Day'

    I love to see these 'every day moments'. Nicely done.
  7. J

    Comment by 'jab' in media 'Sunrise'

    Your LO draws the viewer in. I can almost hear the seagulls and smell the salt air. I'll put this in my 'great examples' file.
  8. Fall Harvest Festival

    Fall Harvest Festival

    Well, this is my first ever challenge entry. Photos taken at a local fall festival. Rebecca Lynn's "Fall Days". Ribbon is from "Simply Fall" LemonaidLucyDesigns. Tag cluster is from Kim Broedelet (Kimb's designs). Font is LHF Scriptana REG.