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  1. Jam-on-toast

    Scrap Stories: It's Collecting, not Hoarding…

    I have exactly 4,177 templates in the folder creatively named 'Templates', and a couple hundred more scattered across random designer folders that I haven't gotten round to moving to the proper 'Templates' folder yet because… well, I have priorities. My collection is vast. I have templates for...
  2. Jam-on-toast

    Scrap Stories: Framed by the Frame…

    I was trapped in some sort of scrapping purgatory of my own making and there was no escape. Toggling layers on and off like a caffeinated witch - who thought one macchiato could do that to you???… Balancing precariously on the fence of indecision - no surprise here I'm afraid … The running...
  3. Jam-on-toast

    Scrap Stories: Creative Block or Scrap Another Day

    Creative blocks - we all have them... or do we? What do you do when you are stuck? Here is my story - when I can't scrap, I - among other things - write... I leaned back in my chair and stared hard at the screen, hoping my two-pager work in progress would look better from a different angle...
  4. Jam-on-toast

    Scrap Stories: The Imperfect Perfect Kit...

    To everyone who's ever gotten a kit thinking it'd be perfect... and then got stuck scrapping with it... share your story... here is mine... I've done quite a lot of AJ-type scrapping recently and wanted to scrap something practical today, so this looked like it was going to be a quick and...
  5. Jam-on-toast

    Unread emails

    ...just out of curiosity, how many do you have? I've got none, my daughter's got 1,782.
  6. Jam-on-toast

    Affinity: Curved Shadow Tutorial

    Here is a link to an amazing tutorial that will elevate your pages. The concept itself is rather simple and can be applied to any software - all that you need to know is now to create a shape with movable/editable vertices and then play with opacity.
  7. Jam-on-toast

    2024 in Review: Music

    I don't listen much to music, but even so, according to Spotify Wrapped Up, I listened for 10,201 minutes in 2024 and my biggest listening day was April 12 with 932 minutes. WHAT??? April 12, 2024 was Friday and according to my calendar, my husband was away on a business trip... I still can't...
  8. Jam-on-toast

    2024 in Review: Books

    audible sent me an email this morning and it said: In 2024, you clocked in 470 hours and 33 minutes of listening time, played 117 titles and your longest streak was 48 days in a row. That, of course, doesn't mean I read - or listened to - 117 books this year, as more than 70 of those are...
  9. Jam-on-toast

    Are you traveling for the holidays?

    I am so excited - we are traveling the day after tomorrow back to Czech Republic to spend Christmas with the family. The last four Christmases we spent here in Indonesia - on the beach and at home by the pool, which is fun and exotic... But I am soooo looking forward to wearing scarves, and...
  10. Jam-on-toast


    A few weeks ago I was reading Nat Geo's IG posts and came across an article that talks about using AI to decode animal sounds. One of the apps they mentioned was MeowTalk - which apparently can translate cat into human, so I decided to give it a go. It had a free version, which was the deciding...
  11. Jam-on-toast

    Deleting photos from my phone...

    What do you with the photos you've backed up on cloud? I am running out of space on my phone - I have more than 5,000 photos stored on my device at the moment. All of them have been uploaded to Google Photos and this is where I get the photos I scrap. Would you just delete them from the phone...
  12. Jam-on-toast

    Do you go to bed tired?

    May seem like a silly question, but I really love going to bed not completely tired, so I have the energy to read and enjoy a book. Some days I am so exhausted - usually mentally rather than physically - that I am asleep the moment my head hits the pillow, but last night I went to bed before 9pm...
  13. Jam-on-toast

    What do you want...

    ...for Christmas? My hubby asked me this morning and I didn't know what to answer because I don't really want anything... and I truly envy my 16-year-old son who has wish list more than a mile long...
  14. Jam-on-toast

    Do you rise and shine?

    ... because I definitely don't. When I first started working and had to get up at 5:30, I used to put my old-fashioned alarm clock - the one with two bells and a thingy in between - on a baking tray in the kitchen, so that the noise was guaranteed to wake me up. As years went by, I - slowly but...
  15. Jam-on-toast

    September Color Play is Here - Come and Share Your Layouts

    September ColorPlay is live and the colors are gorgeous. Come and share your layouts with us. Here's a double page I created using CarolW's Jump into Fall Bundle.
  16. Jam-on-toast

    iOS 18?

    Have you upgraded yet? I read a few negative reviews and was rather skeptical, but decided to upgrade last night, partly because eventually I'd have to anyway and partly because I was curious. I haven't really had time to play around yet, but from what I can see, the Passwords app is a nice...
  17. Jam-on-toast

    Taking notes..

    How do you do it? In this day and age of there being an app for everything, does anyone still take notes by hand? Shopping lists? To-do lists? Notes to self? Post-it reminders? I use OneNote (synced to every device I have) to keep track of most of my life, from copies of important documents I...
  18. Jam-on-toast

    Anyone else is looking forward to going back to their routines?

    ... because I know I am. I had a long and eventful summer, TEN weeks of family and traveling during which I visited four countries, stayed in six hotels and slept in more beds than I care to count. Our daughter got accepted into the uni she wanted and is now settling into her new life on the...
  19. Jam-on-toast

    Grooming your pets

    When I was a kid, we got a poodle and my mother joined a course on how to cut a poodle's hair/fur. Not sure if it was specifically for poodle owners, but the point is that all dog grooming was always done at home - bathing, cutting, nail clipping... Our first dog was a Labrador, so she was not a...
  20. Jam-on-toast

    Your thoughts on book reviews?

    I have recently found unexpected entertainment in reading book reviews AFTER I've read the book. It's a bit like a book club back in the days, I guess, talking about the books we read and sharing our opinions. It is fascinating to discover what other people like and dislike about a particular...