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  1. veer

    Edited photos on my new phone and my design with the pictures

    I have a new phone since December because my previous one was slow and my camera was not working properly. I have a new tool or function in my camera that I tried out. And I want to make you laugh at a time when the world is full of bad news.
  2. veer

    Scrap goals 2025

    What are your scrap goals for this new year? I'm going to try to put mostly old photos of my parents and my childhood in an album. Whether that will work is another story, first scan photos and then I can start.
  3. veer

    What have I been up to these past few weeks?

    Using AI images that I created images and attached them to clay molds and wooden molds.
  4. veer

    Holidays without parents

    7 months ago we said goodbye to my father, the loss is still very big. This will be the first Christmas and New Year, without my parents and without my parents-in-law. I don't know how I'm going to get through these holidays, and even though I know they would want our lives to continue, it's...
  5. veer

    Have you already decorated your house for Christmas?

    I already see Christmas decorations and a Christmas tree in various living rooms. In Belgium, it is a tradition that Santa Claus comes first with presents for the children. I myself only put up the Christmas tree after December 6. What about in your country, when is the Christmas tree put up?
  6. veer

    Just ventilate

    Many of us know that money can't buy you a healthy life. Every day that we get up healthy is a gift, and we can be grateful. For a moment we were afraid that my husband wouldn't be okay. Fortunately, everything is going to be okay with him again. It has been a tough and hectic year, last...
  7. veer

    I won't stop update

    You won't believe it but just like last year in September, my husband has also been sick for 3 weeks, he has a lower respiratory infection, we went to the emergency service last weekend, last Wednesday to the emergency room. They examined everything, took pictures of the lungs, took blood...
  8. veer

    gallery love

    I see so many beautiful designs in the gallery, but since i broke my wrist since monday, typing with one hand is very tiring, i won't be able to spread much love in the gallery, but here i want to congratulate everyone for the inspiration you give! :yourock:
  9. veer

    I broke my wrist

    Yesterday morning before I went to work, I fell. I immediately felt a hellish pain in my wrist. I screamed in pain. On the pictures they see a double fracture, which had also shifted. 12 hours later I was on the operating table to place a plate in my wrist. 2 weeks of plaster cast and then 4...
  10. veer

    Also back

    Next Monday it will already be 4 weeks since my father passed away. Even though he himself indicated that it was enough for him, we were at peace with the fact that he was no longer physically able to cope. But the loss is enormous, and the void he leaves behind is so great. I focused on mental...
  11. veer

    Sad news

    Today early in the morning my father passed away. He fought very hard to stay, but his body gave up. I am at peace with it, he is now with my mother who he missed so much. But I have so much pain and sadness that he is now gone for always :sad1::sad1::sad2:
  12. veer

    To the new members: are you finding your way yet?

    Many new faces have arrived in the past few weeks. I enjoy getting to know new people. I realize that it has not been easy for them to see their familiar place disappear (I can't imagine what I would do without our O home) I hope you are already feeling a bit at home. How are you doing, are you...
  13. veer

    Exciting news (update : with picture)

    Hi Girls, totdat a liitle baby Girl "Oone" came into this world. She made me a grandmother and i am so proud of my daughter! She's tiny, weight 2.250kg. (4 pounds and 250gr) Pictures will follow
  14. veer

    March 2024 Standing O's

    Have you seen a layout in the gallery that makes you go "wow!" ... if so, we want to know about it. Share it with us here and link us up so we can all say "wow!" together!! It's not just the Cheery O's that can showcase pages here, anyone can post! So if you see something you think is worth...
  15. veer

    do you wear make up ?

    Do you wear a lot of make up? I'm not allowed to wear makeup at work, so I rarely or never use makeup during the week. Even during the weekend I rarely use it. Only when we go to a party or something. Yesterday I came back from the baby shower for Jolien, so I had made up, and I came to the...
  16. veer

    Did i tell ya ? It's gonna be a girl !

    We are gradually preparing for the arrival of our granddaughter. Jolien has gestational diabetes and because she has to inject insulin, she is induced 2 weeks earlier. Means she will be ready to give birth in 7 weeks. Yesterday we made baptism sugar (not yet completely ready), next week we will...
  17. veer

    Working with clay

    I'm still recovering from my shoulder, and I've made a few clay sculptures as a thank you gift to my father's nurses when he was still living in his apartment. They are not completely ready yet, I still have to wrap them in foil and add a tea light. I've got a taste for it and want to make more...
  18. veer

    Just in case...

    In case i can no longer be present this year, i wish you many warm days, lots of love, good luck and, above all, good health for you and your family. The reason for my absence last week is that i got a throat infection, was bedridden for a few days, now it is tonsillitis, so like many people i...
  19. veer

    Come back ;)

    Step by step I am gradually coming back after my shoulder surgery 6 weeks ago. I won't be back 100% yet, I have to listen to my body and rest enough during the recovery. My father is currently in the hospital, so that's where a lot of my time is spent. My rehabilitation is going very smoothly...